Significant Achievements



"Gate Achiever_2025"

"Nadia KVK become India's First Net Zero Certified Agricultural Hub_ICAR"

"Certificate of Appreciation” by AICRP on Forage Crops & Utilization, ICAR-IGFRI at National Group Meet, 2024 held on 30th & 31st July 2024 at Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi  

    • Organic nutrient management in rice bean-oat under the irrigated situation
    • Forage Lathyrus variety ‘KL-5
    • Prof,S.K.Acharya honoured as the fellow of West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology at IICB, on 15th June, 2024 Jadavpur
    • Certificate of Prof.S.K.Acharya from West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology
    • Prof.S.K Acharya Received Award for Best Book Publication, 2024 from MANAGE, Hyderabad
    • Letter of Appreciation from His Excellency the Honourable Governor of West Bengal
      Faculty of Horticulture
      Faculty of Agriculture
      Faculty of Ag. Engineering
    • Certificate of Appreciation from ICAR Dr. Kalyan Jana
    • Certificate of Appreciation from ICAR Dr. Kalyan Jana at Srinagar
    • Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya has ranked 15th among 67 Agricultural Universities in India ,in the year of 2019, published by Indian Council of Agriculture(ICAR), New Delhi.
    • Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya has ranked the 31st position among the Indian Universities as per published report of Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India based on its performance in last three years in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF). It is to note that the said position is considered as the First among all Agricultural Universities of our country.
    • Recently two new colleges of Agriculture started functioning; one at Burdwan (2014) and another at Bankura (2015) with intake capacity 35 students in both the colleges.
    • The academic and administrative set-up of the university has been strengthened in last two years with recruitment of about 100 faculties and key officers.
    • Bhaba Atomic Research Center released an initial grant of Rs. 600 Lacs to our University for opening a Regional Nuclear Agricultural Research Centre. Gamma Chamber (GC5000) and Blood irradiator are available as the source of irradiation to the local Universities and research institutes.
    • Five new AICRPs were approved by ICAR and they started functioning after signing tri-partite MoU. They are on MULaRP, Chickpeas, Maize, NSP and Weed-management.
    • The university has established collaboration with internationally renowned organizations including ICARDA, IPNI, Norway Research Council and Norway Meteorological Institute, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, The John Innes Center, and National Initiative on Agricultural Biotechnology, UK etc.
    • Establishment of the “Model Centre for Floricultural Excellence” (MCFE) over an area of 1 ha with 4 twin polyhouses in the University farm at Mondouri to boost up commercial cultivation of ornamentals in the state.
    • Obtained a grant of ₹. 61.5 crore from the NABARD for infrastructural development in frontier areas viz., farmers' service center for soil testing and fertilizer recommendation; promotion of improved technologies of crop production; participatory seed production of paddy and lentil; fruit-based innovative agroforestry models; establishment of testing and training centre for food and water quality; establishment production units of high-quality fruit plants; improving livelihood security; production of medicinal plants; organic farming; and renewable energy production, etc.
    • Developed a 3-storied hostel for SC and ST Farmers at the FACC with the boarding capacity of 100 farmers apart from the existing capacity of 140 residents.
    • The Central Salt and Marine Chemical Research Institute (CSMCRI-CSIR) carried out a good number of field trials with this University on sea weed extracts and appraised for successful research and wide publication and publicity at the University end.
    • At present, the BCKV scientists with their efficient abilities are actively involved in formulating the District Agricultural Plans in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture of the Government of West Bengal.