RRSS : Sekhampur

Farmers’ Training Hostel & Office
About us
Handed over to BCKV from State Govt, 1989- Established as A SATETTITE COMPONENT OF NARP.
Location Map
Contact Us
The Regional Research Substation
Sekhampur, P.O. Godadharpur,
Birbhum, Pin- 731129.
Phone : 9434122102,
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In charge
Prof. Partha Protim Dhar
Total Area of Farm | |
Total Area of Farm | 25 acres |
Area under cultivation | 20 acres |
Area under Agricultural crops | 12 acres |
Area under Horticultural crops | 8 acres |
Area under Farm structure buildings, road, ponds, | 5 acres |
Source of irrigation | 3 ponds, submersible pump (5HP) |
Objective and mandate
Technology transfer
Scientific Faculty
Professor in Fruit and Orchard management, Professor in Agricultural Entomology, Assistant Professor in Plant Pathology
Supporting Faculty
Senior Technical Assistant. 3 Farm Labours
Vermicompost unit, Tractor, Power tiller, seed grading machine, Paddy reaper, Paddy thresher, 2 Poly house, Seed cum fertilizer drill, Lab, Training hall, Training Hostel.
Photo Gallery
- Rice Field Trial
- Mustard Field Trial
- Mango Orchard
- Chickpea Field Trial
- Aonla Orchard
- Farmers’ Training
Achievement of Research activities
- Evaluation of banana germplasm in red laterite region of West Bengal : Result:The cultivars of ABB genomic group (Kanthali and kanchkela) are most suitable for dry region
- Studies on the performance of ber cultivars in dry region of West of West Bengal: Result- Among the cultivars of ber tested, Apple Kool cultivar showed better performance irrespective of yield and quality.
- Evaluation of aonla cultivars in dry region of west Bengal :Result-The NA-7 cultivars of aonla gives better yield performance in dry region.
Entomology :
- Evaluation of Bio-efficacy &Phytotoxicity of Thiamethoxam0.4% + Bifenthrin 0.8% G against termites in Groundnut.Result-Thiamethoxam 0.4% + Bifenthrin 0.8% G@ 48 + 96 = 144 g a.i./ha(12000 g/ha) gave excellent control of white grubs and termites in Groundnut
- Evaluation of bio efficacy and standardization of dose ofBacillus thuringiensis var. Krustaki (Dipel) against the looper of tea. Result-- Bacillus thuringiensis var. Krustaki (Dipel) 1000ml/ha excellent control against the looper of tea
- Bio efficacy study of Etoxazole 6% + Abamection 1.5% SC against Red spider mite & other mite species infesting tea atWest Bengal.- Result-Etoxazole 6% + Abamection 1.5% SC @ (27 +6.75)- (36 +9)g a.i./ha (450 – 600 ml formulation) gave excellent control of the mite pest of tea.
- Bio efficacy evaluation of etoxazole 10% SC against red spider mites of tea-. Result-ETOXAZOLE 10% SC @400– 500ml/ha gave satisfactory control of the mite pest of tea
- Evaluation of Bioefficacy, phytotoxicity& effect on natural of Spirotetramate 120 Imidacloprid 120 SC (Movento Energy 240SC w/v) against Onion Thrips, Result-Spirotetramate120 Imidacloprid 120 SC (Movento Energy 240SC w/v) @1ml /lit , excellent control of thrips.
- Field efficacy of plant products against RugoseSpiraling Whitefly (RSW), Aleurodicusrugioperculatus Martin- an invasive insect infesting Coconut plantation at West Bengal.Result-the RSW population/leaflet remained significantly low (1.89-1.24/ leaflet) at Sukumi plus treated plant compare to control (96/ leaflet).The Sukumi plus @ 0.8 -1ml/lit provided 98.03- 98.71% reduction of RSW upto 21 days.
- Fall Army Worm (Spodopterafrugiperda) management options in maize.Result;- The Conkar super @ 1ml/lit provided 98.76% reduction of FAW.FAW population/plant remained significantly low (0.67/ maize plant) at plant extract treated plot.
Plant Pathology :
- Evaluation of fungicides against Stemphylium disease of Lentil.Results : Two times foliar spray with Captan 70 % + Hexaconazole 5% WP @ 1 g/litre of water at 15 days interval reduced 63.89% disease severity and increased yield of lentil by 32.86 % with highest net incremental cost-benefit ratio (1:9.8).
- Effect of seed treatment with biocontrol agent on soil borne diseases of lentil in late sown condition.Results : Seed treatment with Trichodermaviridae @ 5g/kg of seeds showed low mortality per cent (upto 13.83%) than without seed treatment (upto 30.91%)..
- Biological management of Early blight of tomato (Alternariasolani ).Results : Application of Pseudomonas fluorescens 1.75 % WP was effective against early blight of tomato at a dose level of 3 kg/ha as a foliar spray and seed treatment at a dose level of 5 g per kg of seeds.
- Biological management of wilt (Fusariumoxysporumf.sp. capsici ) in Chill.Results : Application of Trichodermaviride 1.15% WP was effective against Fusarium wilt of Chilli crop at a dose level of 5 kg/ha as a soil application and seed treatment @ 5 g per kg of seeds.
- Fungicidal management of anthracnose and rust diseases of grapes.Results :Picoxystrobin 22.5 2% EC @ 400ml/ha is most effective against Rust and Anthracnose diseases.
- Evaluation of native rhizobacteria for abiotic stress and soil borne disease management of lentil and green gram under lateritic zone of West Bengal’.Results : Out of six potent isolates i.e. Bacillus pumilus, Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus aerogenese which were most effective in pulse production in Red and Laterite zone against biotic and abiotic stress.
Extension activities
Farmers activity
- Development of different fruits orchard is being demonstrative to the farmers.
- Production of planting materials from different fruits plants are being sold to the farmers
- Farmers training for capacity building are being organized regularly at newly created farmers training hostel.
- Developed homestead kitchen garden under TSP in collaboration with AICRP vegetables in different tribal villages.
- Converted local wild ber available nearby villages into superior variety by top working.
Publication of the scientific personel
- GoutamJangid, GoutamMandal, Kamal Mandal and Rocky Thokehom (2018) “Foliar application of growth regulators to improve fruit retention, yield and quality of Aonla cv. NA-7”J.of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry.2018;7(3):21-26e.
- Perween,T., Mandal, K. K. and MA Hasan (2018) Dragon fruit: An exotic super future fruit of India. In the Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. JPP 2018; 7(2): 1022-1026. (NAAS: 5.21)
List of Book Chapter
- TamannaPerween, Chamma Devi, Kamal Kumar Mandaland M. A. Hasan. 2018. Post-harvest management, processing and value addition of dragon fruit. In book Advances in post-harvest management, processing and value addition of horticultural crops part 1: fruits and flower crops. Edited by Dr.NileshBhowmick, Prof.Fatik Kumar Bauri, Mr.Arghya Mani, Dr.Pran Krishna Thakur and Dr. Sachin Sharma. Today & Tomorrow’s Printers and Publishers. Pp: 335- 347.
- S; Das. A; Murmu, I., Khan, A., andMandal, K.K. (2019). Genetic diversity in banana. In- Genetic diversity in horticultural crops (ed. Nandwani, D.), Sustainable development and biodiversity, 22, Springer Nature. pp. 217 – 244. ISSN: 2352-474X, 2352-4758 (electronic), 978-3-319-96454-6 (eBook), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-96454-6_8.
- Sen, K.,Dhar, P.P. and Samanta, A.(2019). Field screening of different genotypes of bitter gourd for infestation with the melon fruit fly, Bactroceracucurbitae(Coquillett) in two agro-climatic zones of West Bengal, India. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science,https://doi.org/10.1007/s42690-019-00035-4.
- Sen, K.,Samanta, A., Alam, S.F., Dhar, P.P. and Samanta, A.(2017). Bioefficacy of Ready Mixture Formulation, Spirotetramat 120 + Imidacloprid 120 - 240 SC against Sucking Pest Complex of Brinjal. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 5(5):2013-2018.
- Sen, K.,Samanta, A., Alam, S.F., Dhar, P.P. and Samanta, A.(2017). Bioefficacy of a Diamide Insecticide, Flubendiamide 480 SC against Shoot and Fruit Borer (LeucinodesorbonalisGuen.) in Brinjal. International Journal of Chemical Studies, 5(5):1796-1799.
- Sen, K.,Samanta, A., Alam, S.F., Dhar, P.P. and Samanta, A.(2017). Field Evaluation of a New Ready Mix Formulation Ampligo 150 ZC (Chlorantraniliprole 9.3% + Lambda Cyhalothrin 4.6% ZC) against Shoot and Fruit Borer (LeucinodesorbonalisGuen.) infestation in Brinjal. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 6(5): 1674-1678.
- Sen, K.,Samanta, A., Hansda, A., Dhar, P.P. and Samanta, A.(2017). Bioefficacy and economics of some insecticides against mustard aphid, Lipaphiserysimi(Kalt.) infesting mustard. Journal of Crop and Weed, 13(2): 235-237.
- Sandip Patra1, B. C. Das, S. Sarkar3*, P. P. Dhar and A. Samanta2 (2016). Study of Different Levels of Chlorantraniliprole 10%+Thiamethoxam 20% Mixture against Major Insect-pests of Tomato, Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management, 7(5):1037-1043.
- .P.P.Dhar (2020) Field efficacy of plant products against Rugose Spiraling Whitefly (RSW), Aleurodicusrugioperculatus Martin- an invasive insect infesting Coconut plantation at West Bengal. “INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON TRANSBOUNDARY PEST MANAGEMENT- ISPM 2020, TNAU.
- . P.P.Dhar (2020) Fall Army Worm (Spodopterafrugiperda) management options in maize. “INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON TRANSBOUNDARY PEST MANAGEMENT- ISPM 2020, TNAU.
Plant Pathology :
- Mondal, B. Mondal and R. Das. (2018). Laboratory Evaluation of Antibiotics against Xanthomonasaxonopodispv. citri (Hasse) Vauterin et al. Causing Citrus Canker. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science. 3 (3) : 9-11. 20. A. Dutta, H. Banerjee an
- R. Das. (2018). Performance of promising mustard (Brassica juncea L.) cultivars under West Bengal condition. Journal Innovative Farming, 3(1) : 40-42.
- Arpita Das, SubrataDutta, SubhenduJash , Ashis Roy Barman, Raju Das, Shiv Kumar and Sanjeev Gupta. (2019). Current Knowledge on Pathogenicity and Management of Stemphyliumbotryosum in Lentils (Lens culinaris ssp. culinarisMedik). Pathogens, 8(4):225.
- Mandal, P. K. Bhattacharya, R. Das and S. Bhattacharya.(2019). Screening of lentil germplasms for Stemphylium blight resistance in West Bengal condition. Journal of Crop and Weed, 15(2): 155-162
- Mandal, P. K. Bhattacharya, R. Das and S. Bhattacharya.(2019). Screening of lentil germplasms for Stemphylium blight resistance in West Bengal condition. Journal of Crop and Weed, 15(2): 155-162.
- AmitavaDutta, Sanjay J Jambhulkar, Archana N Rai, Shankar Bhujbal, H Banerjee, R Das, S Dewanjee, S Sarkar, M Pramanik and S Mandal. (2019). TrombayBidhan Mustard-204 (TBM-204): A high yielding yellow seed coat mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. &Coss.] variety notified for West Bengal. J. Oilseeds Res., 36(4): 220-224.
- Das, R. (2020). Field evaluation of fungicides for the control of leaf rust disease of grapes. International Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 12 (17), 10155-10157.
- Das (2020) Effect of Some Fungicides on Anthracnose Disease of Grapes Under Field Condition. International Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 12(24), 10527-10529
Farm Cultivation
New Crops
Lac Cultivation
Training Training cum Exposure visit
- RRSS Sekhampur has developed into an ideal facility for diversified research and cultivation of field & horticultural crops.
- A strong linkage has been developed with various Govt. and Non Govt. agencies through training programme and exposure visits.