




Achievements of the Department


Publication of Manuals:

Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Economics

  • Major findings from the Department of Agricultural Economics
  • Seed production and development in West Bengal

i)Value of Output of Agriculture are gradually decreasing; ii) Public sector initiative on seed production are not yet up to the mark and it hampers the food production; iii) Private sector engaged only low volume high cost (commercial crops) seed production; iv) High scope on large volume food grain based seed production in local & regional basis with institutional (SAUs, Govt., co operatives, growers association, self help groups, etc.) supervision; v) Farmers are ready to offer 20 percent higher premium prices for quality seeds; vi) India may export seed to other developing countries utilizing wide agro ecological variations.

Paddy Seed entrepreneurship development: Capital cost= Construction cost of Shed and Transformer (₹. 6.00 lakhs+₹.0.72750 lakhs) + Cost of processing machine (₹. 2.68 lakhs)

B/C ratio*= 2.41(2.29); Net present worth (₹.)*= ₹. 2614399 (2521865); Financial Rate of Return (FRR %) 40.94 (39.08) ; Annual flow of net return (year) ()*=₹. 334163( 322316); Cost of processing per qtl. (₹.) =14.78 (15.52), Cost per hrs. of operation= ₹. 147.84(155.23) * At 10% discounting; Figures within the parenthesis indicates the estimate of 5% increase of cost.

Participatory Irrigation Management in West Bengal

  • Formation of Beneficiary Committee for water lifting infrastructures which help to reduce Water rate at 38 percent than market rate and efficient water application for all crops.
  • Irrigation Entrepreneurs' : B/C-ratio-1.78-2.38 at 10% discount, Net present Worth ₹.-250575-374160, Annual flow of return- ₹. 29500-43950 at 10% discount, Financial Rate of return: 34-38% (IRR), Cost per hour: ₹.15-20,Margin per hour: ₹. 30-36.
  • Crop specific recommendation ( perception by the farmers)
Sl. no Crops Area (% of NCA)* What to be done
1 Autumn Paddy 4.25 Short duration variety for the second crop
2 Winter Paddy 67.36 Scope to increase Productivity through seed replacement(four yrs.) with traditional HYVs & market intervention for remunerative prices
3 Summer Paddy 27.44 Area have to be reduced substituting with wheat and mustard.
4 Wheat 6.35 Variety needed under WB condition
5 Potato 8.19 Post harvest system needed & market intervention, seed multiplication in non-traditional areas
6 Jute NA Low cost technology for retting & quality fiber for alternative products & technological development in industrial sectors
7 Rape & Mustard 8.23 Rapid extension in farmers’ field with quality seed supply in time
8 Sesame NA Awareness about nutritive values, Market facilities required
9 Vegetables 23.60 Development of Marketing network
10 Misc. Crops 31.58 Maize: High potentiality with low processing system, Total Pusses: lack of seeds & processing system, Sunflower & ground nut: High potentiality but lack of processing and market linkages,Based on 2010-11 data.
  • Other Information: The department also help to conduct the Comprehensive Scheme for Studying the Cost of Cultivation of Principal crops: Director in Charge: Dr. A.K. Nandi, Professor, Agricultural Economics.

Future Plan of the Department

  • New department: Agril. Business Management.
  • In house Laboratory for the interaction programme with the farmers, Students’ & Business professionals.
  • Regular training for the youths regarding bankable project preparation & action mode programmes.
  • The department is interested towards a new wing for Masters’ of Agribusiness Management as Self finance course in post graduate level.

For Infrastructure development:

  • Smart class room: 1 (under process)
  • Laboratory for undergraduate programme: 1( under process)
  • Experiential learning programme