Faculty of Horticulture
The Faculty of Horticulture was established in 1996 with five departments namely, the Department of Floriculture & Landscaping, the Department of Fruits & Orchard Management, the Department of Post Harvest Technology, the Department of Spices & Plantation Crops, and the Department of Vegetable Crops. The objective of creation of the faculty was to initiate education and training in horticulture, to conduct need based research for the development of horticulture in West Bengal and to disseminate the technology for growing horticultural crops and post harvest management of horticultural produce.
Initially the faculty functioned with very limited space within the Faculty of Agriculture but now is housed in the newly constructed faculty building at Mohanpur. The instructional facilities available include one Horticultural Farm at Mondouri and one nursery at Jagulia. The UG classes are held at Jagulia where a small Instructional Farm is also maintained. The 150 acre farm at Mondouri that is the ‘Horticultural Research Station’ provides facilities for practical and project works of M. Sc. and Ph. D. students for all the five departments under this faculty.