Faculty of Agriculture
The Faculty of Agriculture consists of sixteen departments with specializations in teaching, research and extension for the development of agriculture in this state. One hundred students are admitted each year in the undergraduate courses on the basis of their performance at higher secondary level. Apart from the general agriculture subjects, the students undertake one specialized subject along with a job-oriented course in the 6th and 7th semester during their third and fourth year of graduation. Besides, the students undergo the training named ‘Rural Agricultural Work Experience’ (RAWE) during the 8th and final semester.
At the postgraduate level normally 170 students and a good number of doctoral students take admission each year covering all the seventeen departments. M. Sc. (Ag) students submit a thesis on the basis of their dissertation at the end of final semester in part fulfillment of their degree apart from their scheduled courses worth 40 minimum credits.
The research programs undertaken by the M.Sc. (Ag) and Ph.D. Students mostly deal with the thrust area problems identified by the State Department of Agriculture and/or the University. Some significant achievements have been made in the field of biotechnology, soil management, plant protection, improved agro techniques etc. A few new varieties have been developed in the recent past. Research on organic agriculture for sustainable and environment safe production is also undertaken.