The extension education activities of the university are being conducted through Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC), Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVK) and Farmers’ Academy and Convention Centre (FACC) under the Directorate of Extension Education.
About 20 new technologies have been implemented in 2016-17 through On-Farm Trials (OFT) and Front Line Demonstration (FLD) by the KVKs, about 19 new technological inventories have been published, improved planting materials are made available and plant diagnostics support is being extended to the farmers. Workshops were organized at FACC on Advance Agriculture and Allied Technologies in Farm Sector and Skill Development programmes for capacity building of the KVK personnel.
The Directorate of Extension Education performs as the apex facilitating organ to outreach various clientele groups and other stake-holders across South Bengal districts of the state under overall policy guidance of the Extension Education Council, with the Vice Chancellor being its Chairman and the Director of Extension Education, Director of Research, Deans of the Faculty, Heads of the Department, Heads of the Line Departments, progressive farmers, farm women, voluntary organizations as well as experts in the field of extension as members. The council meets at least once in a year to review the work to discuss and deliberate the policy issues on extension system.
Key functions
- Stakeholders’ participatory Research & Extension
- Scaling up and assimilation of location specific demand driven technologies
- Advisory & Educational Technology Support Service
- Capacity building/Capability Up-gradation of farmers and other stake holders
- Maintaining and strengthening inter-institutional linkages
- Supply of technology inputs