Research Recognitions
BCKV has been awarded a large number of prestigious research projects in the recent past. Some of these are enlisted below -
- Quality Control Laboratory for Horticultural Crops- Ministry of Food Processing, Government of India.
- Export Testing Laboratory- APEDA.
- Pesticide Residue Analysis in Sugars and Arsenic Contamination of the Food-Chain –World Health Organisation (WHO).
- Niche Area of Excellence in Arsenic Management Options – ICAR.
- Regional Analytical Quality Control Laboratory of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.
- Farmers' Participatory Action Research Programme - Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India.
- Organic Farming- Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India.
- Demonstration, Extension and Training on Water Management Technology (TOT), Government of India.
- NAIP- Component-3 (Rural Livelihood Security).
- NAIP- Component- 4 (Basic & Strategic Research).
- Leaf Tissue Analysis Laboratory, Disease Forecasting Unit, Plant Health Clinic and Bio-Control Laboratory-under funding from the National Horticultural Mission.
- Three projects of DST/DBT, sponsored by GOI.
- Fifteen RKVY projects, sponsored by GOWB.
- Four BRNS projects, sponsored by BARC, Trombay
- BCKV has been chosen as a centre of Network Project on Onion and Garlic and Voluntary Centres of AICRP on Spices, MULLARP, Micronutrients.
- DUS testing centres of betelvine, tuber crops and pointed gourd sponsored by the PPV & FRA, Ministry of Agriculture, GOI. Five NICRA projects, sponsored by ICAR
- BCKV has been recognized as the Regional centre of Nuclear Agriculture in eastern India by the BRNS, BARC, Trombay. Five Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) Projects allotted to three AICRPs of BCKV.
- e-Pest Surveillance & Advisory Services under RKVY project received the "Geospatial Excellence Award" by the India Geospatial Forum.
- Adjudged as the best AICRP centres on Agro-forestry, Potato, Vegetable Crops, Tuber Crops of this University by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi for their significant contributions in recent past.
- CAAST Project.