ICAR Nodal
As per the request of Education Division, ICAR, like all 75 Agricultural Universities, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya also established a Nodal Cell (ICAR). As per the order of the Hon. Vice Chancellor the cell started functioning from May 2016. The cell is a single window system between the Viswavidyalaya and the Education Division, ICAR. Dr. Abhijit Saha Prof. of Department of Agricultural Meteorology and Physics, as the Nodal Officer of the cell. Besides Dr. Saha , there are 5 more members in the cell represents all the three Faculties, Research Directorate and the Central Library.
Activity of the Cell
- Submission of budgetary demand for the RAWE/Industrial training programme attended by the final year under-graduate students of each Faculty.
- Submission of budgetary demand on JRF, SRF, NTS PG and NTS UG scholarships for the students (UG/PG/ Doctoral level) joined the Viswavidyalaya under ICAR quota.
- Submission of budgetary demand on Development grant for the main University and all three Faculties.
- Budgetary demand for strengthening the Library of the Viswavidyalaya.
- Proposal for (i) Niche Area of Excellence in any research field under Agricultural Sciences, (ii) Experiential Learning and (iii) Tribal Sub-Plan also submitted by the Cell.
- Nodal cell also submitted both Utilization and Audit Utilization certificate against the fund received in previous financial year.
- All demands, UC and AUC uploaded through the portal of the education division within a stipulated time frame. As the last day of submission is over Education Division, ICAR has close the portal. Thus time management is on top priority for the activities of the Cell.
- After receiving the grant from Education Division, ICAR nodal cell assists the Comptroller in utilization of fund by following financial guidelines laid by ICAR.
- Nodal cell bears the responsibility in submission of Annual and Ranking reports to ICAR in prescribed format developed by Education Division, ICAR.
- The cell plays crucial role in accreditation at University, Faculty and Degree level.
- Nodal cell is responsible for conducting the Monitoring and Review process of ICAR against the Development grant.
ICAR generated USID details of UG students from 2014 to 2018
ICAR generated USID details of PG students from 2016 to 2018
The Education Division of ICAR conduct Summer/winter schools, Short Courses
Centre for Avanced Faculty Training (CAFT) and Short Courses through various Universities and ICAR institutes.
The e-books (total 598) of these training from 2012 onward are available on the Education Division portal of ICAR.
Click link -> https://cbp.icar.gov.in/EBook.aspx