Annual Fest & Freshers' Welcome
Freshers' Welcome
There are no strangers in here just friends you haven’t met.
- Ronald Dahl
Nabarun, the fresher’s welcome programme, a proud tradition that continues coalescing all, especially senior students and newcomers. A jamboree in the auditorium of the University every year leads to an opportunity to interact with seniors showcasing their talents. The programme sets on foot with the inauguration programme gearing up a series of performances like singing, dancing, talent display, fashion show, turning it to a memorable event. Conclusively, as traditionally followed in BCKV, seniors extend small gifts to newcomers embracing them as a part of the University.
The Annual Cultural Fest
Talent can’t be taught, but it can be awakened.
Nairit, The Annual Cultural Fest of Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya organized every year in the month of February/ March, is a rostrum to portray the artistry of our students. The program staged with a series of events ranging from band performances, literary events, drama and the like. The consecutive two- three days celebration by the erudite of Undergraduates/Post Graduates of BCKV amalgamates education and talent resulting in exploring different dimensions of the human being that accolades professional, aesthetic and personal excellence.
Farewell Function
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined.
- Thoreau
Nisworgo, a magnificent farewell function organized every year to bid vale to the senior scholars by the students of Undergraduates. An indelible event that the students would reiterate over the years being a part of their golden remembrance. The gratulatory ceremony marks to the end of academic with our University and inception as alumnus of BCKV.