Publication Unit
The unit performs various activities to develop, document and effective dissemination of desired information to the clientele by way of maintaining close coordination with the centrally existing Information, Press and Publicity Cell of the University. Following are the important functions of the unit:
- Publication of package of Practices in Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Husbandry for different agro-climatic zones
- Printing of folders on farm practices in vernacular language
- Publication of booklets and monographs on special technological practices having wider commercial vis-à-vis campaign value
- Bringing out University FARM MAGAZINE (in Vernacular) and NEWSLETTER (in English) on quarterly basis
- Providing news release to Press, AIR and Doordarshan time to time
- Telecasting various activities of the university through various channels of doordarshan
- Updating as well as new Production of display visuals, exhibition materials and video documents
- Arranging Exhibitions and Kissan Melas in the campus and the rural areas in coordination with KVKs and EEUs