Krishi Vigyan Kendras
Howrah Krishi Vigyan Kendra
Howrah Krishi Vigyan Kendra got sanctioned by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in the year 2005 under the administrative control of Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BCKV).This KVK is situated at Jagatballavpur village under Jagatballavpur Block within Howrah Sadar Sub-division and falls under the New Alluvial and Old Alluvial Agro-climatic zone of West Bengal.
It is situated in the hot moist sub-humid agro-ecological situation having annual rainfall between 1100 to 1500 mm of which 75-80 % received during June to September. The mean annual maximum and minimum temperature fluctuates from 40.2° to 10.8° C and relative humidity ranges between 66 to 85 %. The soils of this district have been formed from the alluvium deposited by Ganga and its tributaries and sub tributaries viz. Ajoy, Damodar, Kansabati, Bhagirathi, Haldi, Rupnarayan etc.
Topographically, there are three land situations namely up, medium and low and different farming systems are adopted accordingly. Frequent inundation of low lying areas result in stagnation of water for certain times of the year affecting some parts of the district. The soils of this sub-region have high nutrient content and mineral resource with a high potential for a large variety of agricultural and horticultural crops. Paddy (Aus, Aman and Boro), jute and potato are the major crops while pulses like gram, lentil etc., oilseeds like mustard, sesame, groundnut etc. and various kinds of vegetables are grown under varying physiographic situations of the district. Water chest nut, madur kathi, water lilly and lotus are also cultivated in some low lying marshy land areas of the district. Besides different agricultural enterprises there is ample presence of different industrial enterprises along with some homestead small scale industries scattered over different parts of this district.
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PO.Jagatballavpur, Distt. Howrah-711408
Tele-fax : 03214-256577
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