Krishi Vigyan Kendras
Hoogly Krishi Vigyan Kendra
The Education Commission (1964-66) recommended that a vigorous effort be made to establish specialised institutions to provide vocational education in agriculture and allied fields at the pre and post-matriculate levels to cater the training needs of a large number of boys and girls coming from rural areas. The Commission, further, suggested that such institutions be named as 'Agricultural Polytechnics'.The recommendation of the Commission was thoroughly discussed during 1966-72 by the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Agriculture, Planning Commission, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and other allied institutions. Finally, the ICAR mooted the idea of establishing Krishi Vigyan Kendras (Agricultural Science Centres) as innovative institutions of imparting vocational training to the practising farmers, school drop-outs and field level extension Functionaries. The first KVK, on a pilot basis, was established in 1974 at Pondicherry
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P.O. Chinsurah, Dist. Hooghly
West Bengal - 712102
Phone : +(91)-33 -2686 4256, FAX: +(91)-33 -2686 4256
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