Role of BCKV in IPR
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
There are two types of properties viz. (i) Tangible, physical or material property and (ii) Intangible or intellectual property. The tangible or physical properties are protected by the laws of land. In contrast, intellectual property is an idea, a formula, an invention, a design, etc. which may give rise to a useful product. The invention of such things would require intellectual capacity, innovativeness and creative ability of the concerned person(s). For obvious reasons the inventors would like to be rewarded and their inventions be protected from imitation. Such a right of an inventor to obtain economic benefit and protection of the invention from imitation is known as Intellectual Property Right (IPR). Thus, IPR encourage innovation and protect the rights of the inventors in legalized form. It is an inevitable tool in today’s globalized economy.
IPR in India
The Act of protecting the inventions was introduced in India in 1856 which was on the basis of British Patent Law of 1852. In 1872, the Patents and Designs Protection Act was passed. The Protection of Invention Act was consolidated as Inventions and Designs Act in 1888. The Indian patents and design was brought under management of Controller of Patents and Designs on August 15, 1947.
Trademark protection has been in force since June 1, 1948 under the Trade Mark Protection Act (1940). Later, this Act was amended as Indian Trade and Merchandise Marks Act (1958) and came in force on November 25, 1959. The Indian Patents Act (1970) was introduced in the parliament in 1965, later it was modified in 1967 and was passed in 1970. This Act is being currently operated in the country. All types of designs are protected by the Indian Patent and Design Act (1911), and that has been amended in 1978. The copyright laws in India named as The Indian Copyright Act 1957 was amended in 1999. Thereafter, The Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration & Protection) Act (1999), Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act (2001), and Biological Diversity Act (2002) have been enforced in the country. National IPR Policy of our country focuses on the vision: ‘An India where Intellectual Property stimulates creativity and innovation for the benefit of all’.
Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BCKV), a State Agriculture University, established on 1 September, 1974 under the ‘Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya Act, 1974’, has started IPR related activities like patent registration of tools/equipments, registration of varieties under PPV&FRA, etc. under PPV&FRA Cell at the Directorate of Research since 2008. Thereafter, the activities have been extending in other sectors like geographical indication, trade mark, AGMARK, etc., and the Cell has been reconstituted as IPR Cell in 2019.
- To encourage and facilitate the registration of varieties of different crops identified / selected / developed by the scientists and the farming communities in South Bengal
- To support for registration of agricultural goods under geographical indication (GI) and post-GI implementation in the state
- To support for registration of new innovation / process for patents, agricultural products under AGMARK, designs under trade mark, etc.
- To organize awareness and training programme including IPR-related publications to disseminate the knowledge and information on IPR to the stakeholders
- To co-ordinate IPR-related activities with the Govt. Departments, Institutes, Farmers’ Organization, etc.
Technical Collaborator
The IPR Cell of BCKV is engaged in IPR-related activities on agriculture in association with (i) Patent Information Centre, Department of Science & Technology and Biotechnology, Govt. of West Bengal (ii) Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Authority, Govt. of India, New Delhi (iii) Department of Agriculture, Govt. of West Bengal (iv) Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya (v) State Agricultural Management & Extension Training Institute, Narendrapur (vi) Directorate Marketing and Inspection, Government of India, (vii) West Bengal Biodiversity Board (viii) Farmers’ Organizations, etc.
Director of Research,
Bidhan Chandra KrishiViswavidyalaya,
P.O. KrishiViswavidyalaya 741252,
Dist. Nadia, West Bengal
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