Krishi Vigyan Kendras
Nadia Krishi Vigyan Kendra
The Nadia Krishi Vigyan Kendra, established in March 2004, is vested with the responsibilities to bring forth agricultural vis-a vis rural development in the countryside Nadia through its mandated activities on training, front line demonstrations and on farm testing/adaptive trials, In essence, the KVK has been conceived to perform as a lighthouse for the district. In conformity with, the assigned responsibilities, the Krishi Vigyan Kendra in reference has already rural people in an effective manner, the KVK undertook exploratory study on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and perceived threat, in terms of agriculture and its allied branches, of the rural Nadia. To start with an operational area in the Chakdaha Block has been identified, which includes Kumarpur and Atalia village shaving the constituent hamlets like Babudanga, Khatdharpara, Mirepara, Dulepara and Sardarpara. A summary description of the agro-ecological zone vis-à-vis the district has been getting presented hereunder.
The KVK is placed under recent alluvial floodplain situation in the district of Nadia. Soils in the area are moderately well drained the medium textured with pH with varying from 6.5 – 7.5 having good based saturation and with rent fall between 1401 to 1601 mm.
The tradition and food habit of the people and agro-ecology of the area the farmers are engaged by and large in the rice based production system, horticulture based production system , fish production based system and livestock based production system.
Thrust areas identified through SWOT analysis of the district
- Natural Resource Management
- Integrated pest and nutrient management
- Diversification and value addition
- Export orientation development
- Socio-economic empowerment
KVK has made a detailed plan incorporating therein vocational training in various discipline to different levels extension workers, farmers, farm women and farm youth, and front line demonstration and on farm testing.
Women Empowerment Programme:
There is no denying the fact that the women play a critical role in Indian Agriculture and make a significant contribution to the production process. Unfortunately this contribution is not recognized as it should have been. However, realizing the fact , Govt. of India has given a thrust on empowerment women through various economic activities and bring them to the mainstream of the socio-economic process. This Viswavidyalaya conducted 5 and 8 training programmes in-situ for income generating activities options during the years 2003 – 2004 and 2004 - 2005 respectively.
For details Click Here with nadia krishi Vigyan Kendra
Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya
P.O. : Gayeshpur, District : Nadia
State : West Bengal, India, PIN - 741234
Phone No. : 033-65555112
Fax No. : 033-25891271
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.