- The major research work of the Department on residues of pesticides have been impressive and earned national and international reputation.
- In addition, the Department has also achieved to expand its activities in the following sectors.
- Established the Water Quality Monitoring Laboratory in BCKV, Kalyani in 2002.
- Established the Export Testing Laboratory (APEDA) in 2005 and maintained its NABL accreditation status as per ISO/IEC: 17025 during 2009-2019.
- A Pesticide Formulation Laboratory has been established in BCKV, Mohanpur in 2012.
- Established a Testing and Training Centre for Food & Water Quality in BCKV, Mohanpur in 2021.
Awards/ Honours/ Recognition since 2007
- Dr. R. K. Kole was awarded as Fellow, Inland Fisheries Society of India (FIFSI), ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore, Kolkata in 2007.
- Dr. Sankhajit Roy acted as Resource person in the training programme on Application of GC-MS in Pesticide Residue Analysis, BCKV, Kalyani, 2009.
- Dr. R. K. Kole acted as Member of Pesticide Residues Sectional Committee, Food & Drugs (FAD-I), Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, 2009-2010.
- Dr. R. K. Kole was Awarded certificate of appreciation by American Chemical Society for peer review of manuscripts, 2011.
- Dr. H. Banerjee was invited as a Residue Expert to represent the state West Bengal in the workshop on “GAP & Food Safety” organized by CLI & DAC, Ministry of Agriculture held on November 5-6, 2012.
- Dr. H. Banerjee was invited as a Residue Expert to attend the Workshop on “Emerging issues on Pesticide Residues in Food and Scientific Developments” organized by FSSAI, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, New Delhi held on October 3, 2012.
- Dr. R. K. Kole was invited as Guest of Honor in the Launching Workshop of the project under National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) and delivered lecture on "Status of water quality of river Ganga inWest Bengal with special reference to metal & pesticide.at ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore, July 08, 2016.
- Dr. R. K. Kole, Professor delivered a lecture on “Chemical Characterization of Botanicals for Eco-friendly Plant Protection” as invited speaker in the National Symposium on Plant Health Management for Food Security and Food Safety, Organised by Indian Phytopathological Society (East Zone), at FACC (Lake Hall), BCKV, Kalyani, December 08-09, 2016.
- Dr. Sankhajit Roy acted as Expert in Live programme on Agriculture in ‘Krishi Dashan’ programme of Doordarshan Kendra, Kolkata on January 20, 2017.
- Dr. R. K. Kole, Professor was awarded Fellow of the Society of Pesticide Science, India, 16th November, 2018.
- Dr. Sankhajit Roy awarded DAAD Re-invitation Scholarship for Post-doctoral research at ForschungszentrumJuelich, Germany, 2018.
- Dr. D.K. Hazra provided expert opinion on two patent related issues for Krishna & Saurastri Associates LLP, Mumbai in 2018.
- Prof. R. K. Kole honored as an expert member for Restructuring of the Existing ICAR PG/Ph.D. Syllabi and Curricula organized by the Broad Subject Matter Area (BSMA) Committee, ICAR in the Division of Agricultural Chemicals, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi, 12-13 February, 2019.
- Dr. S. Roy was awarded Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Scientist Award by the Society of Tropical Agriculture in the 9th ICAHPS held on June 27-28, 2019.
- Dr. R. K. Kole, Professor; delivered a lecture on “Chemical Characterization of Botanicals for Eco-friendly Plant Protection” as invited speaker in the National Symposium on Plant Health Management for Food Security and Food Safety, Organised by Indian Phytopathological Society (East Zone), at FACC (Lake Hall), BCKV, Kalyani, December 08-09, 2016.
- Prof. R.K.Kole, honored as an expert member for Restructuring of the Existing ICAR PG/Ph.D. Syllabi and Curricula organized by the Broad Subject Matter Area (BSMA) Committee, ICAR during 12-13 February, 2019 in the Division of Agricultural Chemicals, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi
- Dr. R. K. Kole, Professor acted as Resource Person in the Training Programme on Diploma in Agricultural Extension Service for Input Dealers (DAESI) of MANAGE, Hyderabad organized at FACC, BCKV, Kalyani during 17 December, 2019 and 11, 19, 26 February, 2020.
- Hemanta Banerjee invited as Resource Person to deliver lecture on “Analysis of Pesticides and Other Organic Chemicals in Environmental Samples”at CSIR-IITR, Lucknow, September 24, 2019.
- Dr. Sankhajit Roy awarded DAAD Re-invitation Scholarship for Post-doctoral research (3 months) at ForschungszentrumJuelich, Germany (2018).
- Dr. S. Roy was awarded Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Scientist Award by the Society of Tropical Agriculture in the 9th ICAHPS held on June 27-28, 2019.
- Prof. H. Banerjee invited as Resource Person to deliver lecture on “Analysis of Pesticides and Other Organic Chemicals in Environmental Samples” at CSIR-IITR, Lucknow, September 24, 2019.
- Dr. R. K. Kole, Professor Chaired a Technical Session in the National Seminar on Agro-Chemical Inputs and It's Extension Approaches Towards Food and Bio-Security: Prospects & Challenges (AEFS-2019), SAMETI, Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Narendrapur, November 15-16, 2019.
- Dr. R. K. Kole, Professor acted as External Jury for screening of applications for IFSI Gold Medals Awards at ICAR: CIFRI, Barrackpore, Kolkata, 05 February, 2020.
- Dr. R. K. Kole, Professor acted as a Member of the Sub-committee on “Basic Sciences” constituted by ASRB/ ICAR for revision of ARS syllabus based on New BSMA recommendation and revised qualification, February, 2022.
- Dr. R. K. Kole, Professor acted as Resource Person in the Training Programme on Diploma in Agricultural Extension Service for Input Dealers (DAESI) of MANAGE, Hyderabad organized at FACC, BCKV, Kalyani during 2018-2022.
- Dr. D. K. Hazra delivered an invited lecture on the topic “Nano-Pesticide: A new dimension in Plant Protection” in the Seminar on “Application of Nanotechnologies in Agriculture” at Institute and Agricultural Training Centre, Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Narendrapur, West Bengal, 20th January, 2023.
- Dr. D. K. Hazra has given expert opinion on two patent related issues for Natco Pharma Ltd. in 2023.
- Teachers of the Department are recognized academic expert by different other Institutes/Universities viz., University of Calcutta; Banaras Hindu University; IIT, Roorkee; University of Delhi; Visva–Bharati; Vidyasagar University; Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya; Bihar Agricultural University, etc.
- Teachers of the Department are recognized reviewer of different Scientific Journals viz., Journal of Agril. & Food Chemistry (American Chemical Society); Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier); Pest Management Science (Society of Chemical Industry); Chemosphere (Elsevier); Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier); Journal of Crop and Weed (Crop and Weed Science Society of India); Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier); Journal of Medicinal Plant Research (Academic Journals); Food Science & Technology (Elsevier); Journal of AOAC International, etc.
- Teachers of the Department are member of different Scientific Societies, viz., Crop and Weed Science Society of India; Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science; Indian Chemical Society; Inland Fisheries Society of India; Society of Pesticide Science, India; etc.
Resource person for Farmers’ Training programme:
- Residential Training programme of Fertilizer & Pesticide Dealer/ Village Level Extension Functionaries under A.T.M.A. project, Dept. of Agriculture, Govt. of West Bengal, ATC, Kalyani, March 19, 2009
- Residential Farmers’ Training programme, Dept. of Agriculture, Govt. of West Bengal, ATC, Kalyani, March 25, 2009.
- The 3rd Phase Training programme of Krishak Mitra organized by IFFCO Ltd., KVK, Gayeshpur, Nadia, December 15, 2009.
- Training and Visit programme for farmers organized by IFFCO Ltd., FTC, Kalyani, February 06, 2010.
- Residential Farmers’ Training programme, Dept. of Agriculture, Govt. of West Bengal, ATC, Kalyani, March 10, 2010.
- Residential Farm Women’ Training programme, Dept. of Agriculture, Govt. of West Bengal, ATC, Kalyani, March 16, 2011.
- Dr. R. Karmakar, Asstt. Prof. as a resource person in the Refresher Training Programme on Soil Analysis” organized by Soil Testing Laboratory, Midnapore, Dept. of Ag., Govt. of West Bengal, December 21, 2016.
- R. Karmakar, Asstt. Prof. as a resource person in the Refresher Training Course for Laboratory Technical Assistants (LTAs) organized by Soil Testing Laboratory, Berhampore, Dept. of Ag., Govt. of West Bengal, February 08, 2017.
The Department is in the process to obtain Patent right on:
- Granted Indian Patent on “Nanoemulsion Pesticidal Formulation of Pongamia pinnata,” Inventors: A. Purkait, DK Hazra and RK Kole, Patent No. 526504, March 14, 2024.
- Application for Patent Right submitted on “A Microwave-Assisted Improved Process for Extraction of Aleuritic Acid from Lac”, 2022.
Future Plan of the Department:
- Introduction of new courses on Food Safety, Quality and Traceability; Chemistry of Environmental Contaminants;
- Research areas to be explored: Development of Botanical and Bio-pesticide Formulations;
- Establishment & Validation of Multi-residue Analytical methods for pesticides;
- Environmental Impact Assessment of Potential Toxic Chemicals;
- Establishment of Advance Centre on Agricultural & Food Chemistry;
- Providing Testing and Training Services on Food & Water Quality by the established Testing and Training Centre.