Patents achieved: 04 nos. (in the name of Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya; Inventer: Dr. Mrinal Dasgupta (Retd.)):
- Underwater water sampler for collecting water sample for limnological work (Granted Patent No.203213.
- Underwater Water Sampler (different design) (Granted Patent No.244244).
- Underwater Soil Sampler (Patent application No. 133/KOL/2004 dt.23-3-2004).
- Living fish transportation system (Patent application No. 1065/KOL/2005 dated 11/24/1.
Future Plan of the Department
To take part in collaborative research activities with reputed research organizations (WBUAFS, NDRI, IISER etc.) and also to disseminate technologies relating to small-scale breeding and production of livestock animals and poultry birds.