- Mr. J K Meher -- Best Poster Presentation Silver Medal (Feb-2014) at International tropical Meteorology (INTROMET-2014) Symposium held at SRM University, Tamilnadu.
- M Dutta -- Best Oral Presentation, Int.Symp.-Association of Agrometeoro-logist on New – Dimension on Agro Meteo-ology for Sustainable Agriculture (NASA-2014) GBPUA & T, Pantnagar.
- J K Meher -- First runner of Poster Presentation, Int.Symp.-Association of Agrometeoro-logist on New – Dimension on Agro Meteo-ology for Sustainable Agriculture (NASA-2014) GBPUA & T, Pantnagar
- J Akhter -- Best Poster Presentation, Int.Symp.-Association of Agrometeoro-logist on New – Dimension on Agro Meteo-ology for Sustainable Agriculture (NASA-2014) GBPUA & T, Pantnagar.
Remarkable Results, Scholarship-UGC, ICAR, State of W.B.
- Dr. A. Mukherjee, former student of the Department received the Dr. P.D. Mistry award for best Ph.D. thesis in Agricultural Meteorology.
- Dr. B. Saikia, former student of the Department received the Dr. P.D. Mistry award for best Ph.D. thesis in Agricultural Meteorology.
- Dr. Abdus Sattar, ex-Research Scholar, Department of Agricultural Meteorology and Physics, BCKV, now serving as Assistant Professor and Nodal Officer (Agrometeorology) under Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa, Bihar, was awarded “Dr. P.D. Mistry award for best Ph.D. thesis in Agricultural Meteorology” by the Association of Agrometeorologists in India for the year 2016 for the Ph.D. thesis entitled “Agroclimatic characterization for assessment of crop potential under rainfed condition in Bihar”. The Award included Gold Medal and Citation. The Award was given to him in the inaugural function of National Seminar AGMET 2016 “Climate Driven Food Production System: Agrometeorological Interventions” held during 20-22 December, 2016 at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore.