Sl.No. | Name | Year | Title of the Thesis | Name of the supervisor |
1 | Anik Mazumdar | 2021 | Disease dynamics of Lentil under conservation agriculture | Prof. S. Das |
2 | Anindita Patwari | 2021 | Effect of different Trichoderma spp. On plant growth promotion of cowpea | Dr. Sujit Ray |
3 | ShreyosiBasak | 2021 | Evaluation of leaf spot diseases on different genomic groups of banana | Prof. D. Misra |
4 | OmpriyaChalla | 2021 | Biological management of plant diseases by using probiotic organisms | Dr. J. Saha |
5 | Ujjal Kisku | 2021 | Morpho- molecular characterization of Corynesporacassicola, pathogen of leaf spot of ram vasaka (Phlogacanthusthyrsiformis) and its seasonality | Prof. G. Mondal |
6 | Susmita Pati | 2021 | Mass production and evolution of plant growth promotion potentiality of fluorescent Pseudomonads on cowpea | Dr. S. Datta |
7 | Ujjal Sarkar | 2021 | Isolation, identification and management of Alternaria sp. From different host crops | Dr. R. Sharma |
8 | Rukshar Parveen | 2021 | Morphological & molecular identification of pathogen and present status of banded leaf and sheath blight of maize in West Bengal | Dr. S. Debnath |
9 | Chetan D | 2021 | Variability and in vitro evaluation of eco-friendly management strategies in turcicum leaf blight [Exerhilumturcicum (Pass.) Lepnard and Suggs.)] of maize] of maize | Dr. S. Debnath |
10 | Debjeet Sharma | 2021 | Effect of conservation agriculture on disease dynamics of spot blotch of wheat | Dr. S. Mohapatra |
11 | TrishitaBhunia | 2021 | Seedling diseases of garlic and its management | Dr. S. Mohapatra |
12 | Dibyendu Ghosh | 2021 | Integrated disease management of chilli (Capsicum annum L.) | Dr.Asit Mandal |
13 | Oindrilla Datta | 2021 | Integrated disease management of bitter gourd | Dr.Asit Kumar Mandal |
14 | Tania Roy | 2021 | Chilli leaf spot disease and it’s in-vitro management | Prof. A. Basu |
15 | Shinee Dey | 2021 | Downy mildew disease of some cultivated and weed crops with special reference to its epidemiology and management in cucumber | Prof. B. N. Panja |
16 | Tarique Ahmed | 2021 | Characterization of Sclerotium spp. Isolated from lab lablab bean and its pathogenicity test in some legume crops | Prof. J. Tarafdar |
17 | Rohan Das | 2021 | Occurrence and management of early blight of potato in West Bengal | Prof. A. Chakraborty |
18 | Samrat Pal | 2021 | Evaluation of biocontrol and plant growth promotion potential of Bacillus spp. On cowpea | Dr. S. Ray |
19 | JasmeenKandakar | 2020 | Studies on powdery mildew affected plants grown in Nadia districts of West Bangal | Dr. Gautam Mondal |
20 | SusmitaOraon | 2020 | Morphomolecular characterization of Phyllostictacapitalensis, the causal agent of carry leaf spot disease and its management using botanicals and bioagents | Dr. Gautam Mondal |
21 | Dharmappa D. Chavan | 2020 | Studies on field and molecular marker-based screening of promising taro (Colocasia esculenta var antiquorum) cultivars for resistant to Phytophthora blight | Prof. Jayanta Tarafder |
22 | Baru. Murali Krishna | 2020 | Studies on effect of yeast on storage life of betelvine leaf | Dr. Jayanta Saha |
23 | Abhishek Sarkar | 2020 | Studies of disease dynamics under different nutrient and residue level in rice-cauliflower-rice cropping system at different level of tillage management practices | Dr.Asit Kumar Mondal |
24 | Durlav Hira | 2020 | Pycnidia forming plant pathogen causing leaf spot of potato and its management | Prof. AmitavaBasu |
25 | Durlav Hira | 2020 | Studies on cultural characteristics of different Pestalotiopsis spp. isolated from different crops | Prof. BirendranathPanja |
26 | Durlav Hira | 2020 | Effect of plant extracts and organic amendment for the management of collar rot of cowpea and lentil | Dr. Subrata Dutta |
27 | Madhurima Biswas | 2020 | Comparative study of three different isolates of Rhizoctonia solani collected from banded leaf and sheath blight disease of maize | Dr.Srabani Debnath |
28 | Sabyasachi Mukhopadhyay | 2020 | Image processing system-based analysis of downy mildew disease severity of cucurbit and its relationship with weather variables | Dr. Subrata Dutta |
29 | Subham Dutta | 2020 | Detection and characterization of banana bunchy top virus in West Bengal | Prof. Jayanta Tarafder |
30 | Krishnendu Kundu | 2020 | Evaluation of cheap and easily available residues for production and quality analysis of oyster mushroom (Pleurotusflorida) | Dr. Sujit Ray |
31 | DipashreeSandhukhan | 2020 | Role of natural products on formulation of yeast based biocontrol products | Dr. J. Saha |
32 | Gopal Chowdhury | 2020 | Standardization of cultivation method of Pleurotusdjamor in West Bengal | Dr. R. Sharma |
33 | MoumitaPonda | 2020 | Population dynamics of Rhizobium in green gram in different tillage under conservation agriculture | Prof. S. Das |
34 | Rajdeep Banerjee | 2020 | Alternaria leaf spot of potato and its management | Prof. A. Basu |
35 | Ali Hasan Siddiki | 2020 | Studies on foliar diseases of potato in West Bengal condition | Prof. A. Chakraborty |
36 | Ankur Mukhopadhyay | 2020 | Biological control of obligate plant pathogens | Prof. D. Misra |
37 | Ranajit Kundu | 2020 | Comparison between different screening methods of spot blotch of wheat | Dr. S. Mahapatra |
38 | Suryakant Manik | 2019 | Studies on fungal diseases associated with some selected minor fruits grown in Nadia districts of West Bengal | Prof. BirendranathPanja |
39 | Dilip Kumar Chaurasiya | 2019 | Effect of inducer chemicals as resistance against Bipolarissorokiniana causing spot blotch of wheat at seedling stages | Prof. Srikanta Das |
40 | Huma Nazneen | 2019 | Exploration of native rhizospheric bacteria from red and lateritic regions of West Bengal for pathogen suppression, plant growth promotion and soil acidity stress alleviation | Dr. Subrata Dutta |
41 | Amitava Mondal | 2019 | Studies on Sclerotium rolfsii causing collar rot of lentil and its management | Dr. Sunita Mahapatra |
42 | Soumik Mukherjee | 2019 | Studies on fungal diseases of tulsi (Ocimum sanctum L.) in the new alluvial zone of West Bengal | Dr. Gautam Mondal |
43 | Badavath Kishore | 2019 | Studies on rice brown spot disease caused by Bipolarisoryzae (Breda de Haan) shoemaker and its management | Prof. AmitavaBasu |
44 | Goskula Kiran | 2019 | Studies on Rhizoctonia solani isolates of rice in new alluvial zone of West Bengal | Mr. Raghunath Mandal |
45 | Swati Chakroborty | 2019 | Molecular characterization of BEGOMO VIRUS in different weed species | Prof. Jayanta Tarafder |
46 | EmmadiVenu | 2019 | Utilisation of rhizospheric proteobacteria from red and lateritic regions of West Bengal for plant growth promotion and pathogen suppression | Dr. Sujit Kumar Ray |
47 | Sourav Oraon | 2019 | Epidemiology and field level screening of germplasm against collar rot disease of lentil, incited by Sclerotium rolfsii | Dr. Sujit Kumar Ray |
48 | Sunanda Chakraborty | 2019 | Biochemical basis of resistance to downy mildew disease in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) | Dr.Asit Kumar Mandal |
49 | Pronay Majumder | 2019 | Shelf-life improvement of perishable agricultural products by yeasts | Dr. Jayanta Saha |
50 | ZekrullahSamadi | 2019 | Studies on diseases of chilli | Prof. ParthaSarathi Nath |
51 | Abdul Wahab Ghafari | 2019 | Studies on diseases of tomato | Prof. ParthaSarathi Nath |
52 | RayanoothalaPravallikaSree | 2019 | Effect of inducers on various biochemical changes against Alternaria blight of mustard | Prof. Srikanta Das |
53 | Shishir Rizal | 2019 | Studies on fungal diseases associated with some selected greenhouse plants | Prof. BirendranathPanja |
54 | Naznin khatun | 2019 | Studies based on disease reaction and performance of promising local lentil varieties / germplasm against Stemphylium blight | Dr.Rishu Sharma |
55 | Jasmin Thomas | 2019 | Development of yeast based biocontrol formulation for post-harvest disease management | Dr. Jayanta Saha |
56 | Rakesh Kumar Pal | 2019 | M. Sc not completed | |
57 | Jayanta Mandal | 2019 | M. Sc not completed | |
58 | Koushik Das | 2019 | M. Sc not completed | |
59 | Rohit Mandal | 2019 | M. Sc not completed | |
60 | Subhas Patar | 2018 | Overview of diseases of mushroom with special reference to green mould disease | Dr. Sujit Kumar Ray |
61 | VenisettyPunnamchander | 2018 | Efficacy of different botanical oils and bioagents against Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn causing sheath blight of rice in invitro condition | Prof. Srikanta Das |
62 | Chandan Bharti | 2018 | Studies on early blight of potato and its management | Dr.Ashis Chakraborty |
63 | Sanjog Chhetri | 2018 | Studies on different diseases of sarpagandha (Rauwolfia serpentina L.) in new alluvial zone of West Bengal | Dr. Gautam Mondal |
64 | Parvathi Mahesh | 2018 | Molecular characterization of some conserved regions of bhindi yellow vein mosaic virus of possible association of beta satellite component | Prof. Jayanta Tarafder |
65 | Joseph Soren | 2018 | Pathogen biology of orchid and ornamental flowering plants | Prof. AmitavaBasu |
66 | Sudip Hansda | 2018 | Evaluation of bacterial wilt resistant genotypes of brinjal | Dr.Asit Kumar Mandal |
67 | JoydebKuilya | 2018 | Studies of southern corn leaf blight of maize with screening of some hybrids and genotypes | Dr.Srabani Debnath |
68 | BinoyGorai | 2018 | Morphological studies of Pleurotusspp. and identification of a wild collected strains of West Bengal | Dr.Rishu Sharma |
69 | Priyabratajena | 2018 | Studies on the rhizosphere microflora of banana plant infected with Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense | Prof. Dilip Kumar Misra |
70 | SanamHalsana | 2018 | Development of yeast based biocontrol formulation for post harvest disease management | Dr. Jayanta Saha |
71 | Amrita Dasgupta | 2018 | Plant growth promotion and biocontrol potentiality of salt tolerant native rhizobacteria, isolated from costal saline zone of West Bengal | Dr. Subrata Dutta |
72 | Raina Saha | 2018 | Identification and characterization of pathogens in association with ber (Zizyphusmauritiana) diseases | Dr.Dilip Kumar Misra |
73 | Rajkumar Debsharma | 2018 | Effect of different botanical oils against spot blotch of wheat | Dr. Sunita Mahapatra |
74 | Pradip Sarkar | 2017 | Activity evaluation of plant extracts against some plant pathogenic fungi | Dr. Jayanta Saha |
75 | Kailash Kumar | 2017 | Studies on leaf spot disease of strawberry in the indo-gangetic plains of West Bengal | Dr. Sunita Mahapatra |
76 | Dibakar Panda | 2017 | Management of early blight of potato by use of non-conventional chemicals | Dr.Ashis Chakraborty |
77 | Sanju Tamang | 2017 | Effects of meteorological factors on spot blotch of wheat and its chemical management in indo-gangetic plains | Dr. Sunita Mahapatra |
78 | Sarbani Das | 2017 | Studies on the expression pattern of pathogenesis related protein genes in tomato induced by some fungicides and chemicals | Prof. Jayanta Tarafder |
79 | Tushnima Chaudhuri | 2017 | Morphological and cultural characteristics of acervuli and pycnidia producing foliar pathogens of selected ornamental plants | Prof. BirendranathPanja |
80 | Shikha Pathak | 2017 | Influence of crop, soil abiotic and weather factors on wirestem disease of cabbage | Dr. Subrata Dutta |
81 | Siddharth Singh | 2017 | Studies on different diseases of sweet flag (Acorus calamus L.) in West Bengal | Dr. Gautam Mondal |
82 | Debanjana Debnath | 2017 | Effect of different botanicals against Colletotrichum gloeosporoides in in vitro condition | Prof. Srikanta Das |
83 | Nithin Kumar J.N. | 2017 | Studies on emerging diseases of rice under gangetic alluvial zone of West Bengal | Mr. Raghunath Mondal |
84 | Promod Kumar Sarwa | 2017 | Influence of weather variable and crops on web blight disease of cowpea | Dr. Sujit Kumar Ray |
85 | Suraj Goldar | 2017 | Soil abiotic factors and cropping system on Sclerotium rolfsii disease conducive /suppressiveness | Dr. Sujit Kumar Ray |
86 | Pechhetri Komal | 2017 | Detection and identification of seed borne pathogens on maize (Zea mays L.) | Prof. ParthaSarathi Nath |
87 | Imtinungsang Jamir | 2017 | Screening of okra genotypes against YVMV disease and its yield assessment | Dr.Asit Kumar Mondal |
88 | Abhinandita Sahoo | 2017 | Efficacy of some novel molecules against foliar pathogens of solanaceous crop | Prof. AmitavaBasu |
89 | Priyabrata Jena | 2017 | Submitted thesis latter | |
90 | Sabin Rai | 2017 | ||
BiplabMurmu | 2016 | Diseases of some medicinal plants in Gangetic alluvial zone of West Bengal | Dr. Jayanta Saha | |
Arghya Banerjee | 2016 | Studies on pycnidia producing fungi of some ornamental plants grown under protected condition | Prof. BirendranathPanja | |
DarsanaDilip K.C | 2016 | Studies on cultural behaviour of some biocontrol yeasts and their bioactivity | Dr. Jayanta Saha | |
Swarnavo Chakraborty | 2016 | In vitro antagonistic activity of biocontrol agents against some important plant pathogenic fungi | Prof. AmitavaBasu | |
Uday bikashOraon | 2016 | Incidence and characterization of ssDNA virus in chilli in West Bengal | Prof. Jayanta Tarafder | |
Bibek Sharma | 2016 | Studies on Turcicum leaf blight (Exserohilumturcicum) of Maize (Zea mays) in the new alluvial zone of West Bengal | Prof. Partha Sarathi Nath | |
Krishna Ray | 2016 | Dynamics of Sclerotium rolfsii as influenced by different rhizosphere and microbial community | Dr. Subrata Dutta | |
Gauranga Datta | 2016 | Studies on diseases of chickpea under gangetic alluvial region of West Bengal | Dr. Sujit Kumar Ray | |
Desh Raj Shri Bharati | 2016 | Effect of abiotic stresses on clubroot disease development | Prof. IndrabrataBhatttacharya | |
Debashis Rana | 2016 | Cultural behaviour of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense isolate | Prof. Dilip Kumar Misra | |
Katakam Mounika | 2016 | Studies on acervulus producing fungi associated with selected greenhouse plants | Prof. BirendranathPanja | |
Tanushree Das | 2016 | Bio antagonist vis a vis Rhizobium on seedling vigour of lentil. | Prof. S. Das | |
Biswajit Banerjee | 2016 | Did not complete M. Sc |
List of students passed M. Sc during 2013,2014,2015 :
Sl.No. | Name | Title of the Thesis | Name of the supervisor |
1 | Srima Das | Effect of native plant growth promoting rhizo-bacteria on management of Web Blight disease of Dolichos Bean | Dr. Subrata Dutta |
2 | Mukul Murmu | Effect of soil amendments and antifungal Compounds on primary and secondary phase of colonization by Plasmodiophorabrassicae (Woronin) causing club root disease of cruciferous crops | Prof. Indrabrata Bhattacharya |
3 | Seteng Baskey | Screening of brassica hosts against Plasmodiophorabrassicae (Woronin) causing club root disease of crucifers to identify source of resistance | Prof. Indrabrata Bhattacharya |
4 | Sumit Kumar Roy | Studies on biology and epidemiology of Alternaria blight disease of marigold | Prof. Indrabrata Bhattacharya |
5 | Samir Mandi | Studies on yellow mosaic virus disease of Mungbean (Vigna radiate L. Wilczek) | Prof. ParthaSarathi Nath |
6 | Sanchari Roy | Morphological and biochemical variation of some Alternaria species infected on different vegetable crops | Prof. Srikanta Das |
7 | Shaista Rahman | Effect of soil and plant conditioner (Amalgerol) on plant health and disease management of Groundnut | Prof. Jayanta Tarafder |
8 | Rajesh Kumar Nanda | Phylloplane bacteria for plant disease management | Dr. Sujit Kumar Ray |
9 | Sahar Murmu | Management of Early blight of potato by chemicals and non chemicals |
Dr.Ashis Chakraborty |
10 | Mrinmoy Mondal | Studies on Rhizome Infecting Fungi of Banana |
Dr. Dilip Kumar Misra |
11 | Vikas Kumar Ravat | Studies on post harvest disease management of fruits |
Dr. Dilip Kumar Misra |
12 | Solanki Sarkar | Studies on Important foliar diseases of some Medicinal plants |
Prof. Basudeb Dasgupta |
13 | Rajib Mandi | Studies on Major Diseases of Some Important Medicinal plants |
Prof. Basudeb Dasgupta |
14 | Ankita Biswas | Morphological and cultural characterization of Bipolarissorokiniana Infecting wheat |
Prof. Srikanta Das |
15 | Jessica Sten | Formulation and Shelf-life of Yeast-based bio-control Agent |
Dr. J.Saha |
16 | Mayanglambam Ranjana Devi | Studies on Diesases of Some Common Medicinal Plants in West Bengal | Prof. Birendranath Panja |
17 | Munmun Narjinary | Seasonal Incidence of Different Diseases of Chilli (Capsicum sp.) | Prof. Partha Sarathi Nath |
18 | Md. SarfrajAlam | Fruit rot disease of Chilli caused by Colletotrichum spp | Prof. Amitava Basu |
19 | Ningthoujam Sonia Devi | Seed health testing of stored paddy seeds and their management | Prof. Partha Sarathi Nath |
20 | Nivedita Chattopadhyay | Expression study of RTBV O-DS-2gene in backcross progeny of rice for resistant tungro disease |
Prof. Jayanta Tarafdar |
21 | Subhomoy Ghosh | Effect of weather and edaphic factors on diseases of pointed gourd |
Dr. Subrata Dutta |
22 | Akshoy Sardar | Management of foliar diseases of betelvine (Piper betle L.) | Prof. Basudeb Dasgupta |
23 | Licon Kumar Acharya | Effect of soil abiotic stress factors on soil borne pathogens of brassica crops of West Bewngal |
Prof. Indrabrata Bhattacharya |
24 | Tamali Sarkar | Effect of some botanicals on the growth behavior of some sclerotial fungi |
Prof. Srikanta Das |
25 | Susamoy Kundu |
Role of bioactive plant extract combinations against plant pathogens |
Dr. J.Saha |
26 | Ravikant Chejara |
Studies on Diseases Spectrum of Gerbera … Leaf Spot |
Prof. B.N. Panja |
Research Scholars of Ph.D. Students: 2012-2021
Sl.No. | Name | Year | Title of the Thesis | Name of the supervisor |
32 | Ritesh Kumar | 2021 | Exploitation of rhizospheric native proteobacteria from costal saline and lateritic regions of West Bengal for management of soil borne pathogens | Dr. Subrata Dutta |
31 | Sarbani Das | 2021 | Genome characterization of DNA A and DNA beta complexes associated with BEGOMO virus infection in okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench] in West Bengal | Prof. Jayanta Tarafdar |
30 | Ankit Kumar Ghorai | 2021 | Genetic diversity and influence of cropping sequences and crop rhizosphere on population dynamics of ralstonia solanacearum in West Bengal | Dr. Subrata Dutta |
29 | Arghya Banerjee | 2020 | Epidemiology and management of turcicum leaf blight of maize [Exserohilumturcicum (Pass.) Leonard and Suggs.] in West Bengal | Prof. ParthaSarathi Nath |
28 | Uday Bikash Oraon | 2020 | Characteristics and diversity analysis of biocontrol yeast | Dr. Jayanta Saha |
27 | Deewakarbaral | 2020 | Selection and formulation of stress tolerant biocontrol yeast | Dr. Jayanta Saha |
26 | Mrinmoy Mondal | 2020 | Epidemiology and management of tuberose tip blight disease with special reference to the variability of its causal pathogen Phomapolyanthis | Prof. BirendranathPanja |
25 | Srima Das | 2020 | Pathogenic characterization and biointensive managenment of soil-borne disease(s) of leguminous vegetables | Dr. Sujit Kumar Ray |
24 | Sahar Murmu | 2020 | Diseases of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam) under West Bengal condition and their management | Prof. Dilip Kumar Misra |
23 | Moirangthem Indira Devi | 2019 | Detection, identification and management of pathogens associated with important vegetable seeds in gangetic alluvial region of West Bengal | Prof. ParthaSarathi Nath |
22 | LourembamSanajaoba Singh | 2018 | Dete23ction and characterisation of tomato leaf curl virus disease and its natural virus sequence variant in West Bengal | Prof. Jayanta Tarafdar |
21 | Vikas Kumar Ravat | 2017 | Charactertization of some newly emerged economically important sheath infecting 2121fungal pathogens causing significance cr2222op losses on rice | Prof. AmitavaBasu |
20 | Roshan Dangmei | 2016 | Biology of the pathogen, epidemiology and integrated disease management of Cercospora leaf spot of Mungbean in West bengal | Prof. ParthaSarathiNarth |
19 | Sanchari Roy | 2016 | Characterization of different foliage infecting fungal pathogens of cowpea under West Bengal condition | Prof. AmitavaBasu |
18 | Hijam Meronbala Devi | 2015 | Studies on leaf blight of Wheat [ Triticum aestivum (L.)] and its epidemiology and eco-friendly management under field condition | |
17 | Tania R. Marak | 2015 | Epidemiology and management of anthracnose of Green gram [Vigna radiata(L.) WILCZEK] under field condition | Prof. S. Das |
16 | Subham Dey | 2015 | Late Blight of Potato in West Bengal; spore biology, prediction and management | Prof. Ashis Chakraborty |
15 | Subhas Hansda | 2015 | Variability of different isolates of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and its management | Dr. Sujit Kumar Ray |
14 | Yumlembam Rupart Anand | 2015 | Exploration of plant extract against some plant pathogenic bacteria and diseases caused by them | Prof. Partha Sarathi Nath |
13 | Nayan Kishor Adhikary | 2014 | Studies on The Incidence and Characterization of Soybean Infecting Begomovirus in The plants of West Bengal | Prof. Jayanta Tarafdar |
12 | Dawa Dolma Bhutia | 2014 | Exploration of Botanicals Against Some Selected Plant Pathogens |
Dr.J.Saha |
11 | Srujani Behera | 2014 | Leaf blight of onion ;its epidemiology and management in the plains of West Bengal, |
Prof. Srikanta Das |
10 | Suchismita Chakraborty | 2014 | Molecular understanding of host-parasite interaction of Phytophthora species in taro and chilli by DNA/proteomics | Prof. Jayanta Tarafdar |
9 | Diptanjan Ghosh | 2013 | Assessment of Climatic Risks in Relation to Incidence and Spread of Downy Mildew Disease of Cucumber |
Prof. Indrabrata Bhattacharya |
8 | Ashis Roy Barman | 2013 | Elicitor mediated induction of systemic resistance against Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris | Dr. Subrata Dutta |
7 | Palash Chandra Paul | 2013 | Studies on Management of Important Diseases of some Medicinal Plants |
Prof.Basudeb Dasgupta |
6 | Samuel Lalliansanga | 2013 | Variability of Alternaria species Infecting Crucifers and its epidemiology |
Prof. Srikanta Das |
5 | Miss N. Surmina Devi | 2013 | Variability and sensitivity of Alternaria solani causing early blight of potato under West Bengal condition |
Prof. Amitava Basu |
4 | Sanjib Prasad Kuiry | 2012 | Variability of different isolates of Rhizoctonia solaniKühn. causing sheath blight diseases of rice and its management | Dr. Subrata Dutta |
3 | ParthaPratim Ghosh | 2012 |
Variability of Ralstonia solanacearum in West Bengal and management of vascular bacterial wilt of Brinjal |
Dr. Subrata Dutta |
2 | Manoj Kumar | 2012 | Molecular Characterization of Leaf Curl Virus of Sweetpotato( Ipomoea batatas L) in West Bengal | Prof. Jayanta Tarafdar |
1 | Amrita Banerjee | 2012 | Cloning and sequencing of selective genes of rice tungro viruses from West Bengal and expression of RTBV ORF IV (RTBV-O-Ds2 gene) in backcrossed progenies of transgenic rice towards resistance to rice tungro disease | Prof. Jayanta Tarafdar |