- Two mustard varieties Trombay Bidhan Mustard-204 (TBM-204) and Trombay Bidhan Mustard-143 (TBM-143) have been developed in collaboration with Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai.
- 41 Research papers have been published by three faculties and PG/Ph.D students of the department during 2016-17 to 2020-21 in Journals having NAAS rating more than 5.
- Three books have been published by the faculties during last 5 years.
- Four awards have been received by faculties during last 5 years.
- During last five years (2016-17 to 2020-21) 29 students admitted in PG Programme, out of which 15 students passed out and 5 students are continuing their PG studies at present.
- During last five years (2016-17 to 2020-21) 14 students admitted in Ph.D. Programme, out of which 4 students awarded the degree, 3 students have submitted thesis and 8 students are continuing their Ph.D programme at present.
- The pass out PG students have cleared ICAR NET and SRF, joined in premier Institutions like IARI and other state Agricultural universitiesThe pass out students have been placed as ADA (Govt. of W.B.), Nationalized Banks, Corporate sectors etc.
- One student has joined in Central Agricultural University and another student has joined in private Agricultural College during last 5 years.
- Two students have joined in KVK during last 5 years..
- Students have been participated National and International Seminars regularly
Future Plan of the Department
- Digital classroom
- PG-students’ Lab
- Well equipped advanced Seed Res. Lab.
- Conditioned Godown