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From Vice Chancellor's Desk


Dr. Ashok Kumar Patra
Vice Chancellor

It is an honour to serve as the Vice Chancellor of Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BCKV), a leading institution that has been shaping agricultural education, research, and extension since 1974. Over the decades, BCKV has been a cornerstone of agricultural progress in West Bengal, strengthening innovation, empowering students, and improving the livelihoods of farmers.

Currently,BCKV has a vibrant community of around 1,800 students, hailing from West Bengal and various parts of the country. The university operates through its three faculties on the main campus—Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering and Horticulture—and two extended campuses established at Burdwan in 2014 and Bankura in 2015, both dedicated to undergraduate programs in agriculture. The university’s research and extension activities are further strengthened by three regional research stations, three sub-stations, and five Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs), which act as vital links between research outputs and on-field applications.

West Bengal’s agriculture faces several challenges, including small and fragmented landholdings that limit economies of scale and mechanization, increasing impacts of climate change and extreme weather events such as floods, droughts, and cyclones, and declining soil fertility due to nutrients mining and several other reasons. Water resource management remains a concern, with some regions experiencing overexploitation and others grappling with excess water. Post-harvest losses, particularly in horticulture, and weak market linkages also significantly affect farmers’ income.

Addressing these challenges requires a multi-faceted approach. BCKV is committed to promoting sustainable farming practices, including organic farming, integrated nutrient management, and climate-resilient technologies. Emphasis is being laid on efficient water management systems such as drip and sprinkler irrigation and innovative water conservation techniques. Encouraging crop diversification, integrated farming systems, and allied sectors like fisheries and livestock will further enhance farmers’ resilience and income.

Our research endeavours are focused on developing high-yielding, pest-resistant, and climate-resilient crop varieties, while our KVKs play a crucial role in delivering location-specific solutions to farmers. Investments in post-harvest technologies, including storage and processing infrastructure, aim to reduce losses and add value to agricultural produce. Technical backstopping to Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) and improving market linkages will empower farmers to secure better prices for their produce.

In education and research, we are dedicated to integrating modern tools such as artificial intelligence, remote sensing, and IoT into agricultural studies, in alignment with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. Encouraging impactful research, patents, and transferring technology to farmers and other stakeholders remain our core objectives. A robust training and placement program will prepare our students for competitive exams, entrepreneurship, and diverse career opportunities, ensuring their employability and success.

The collective efforts of our scientific staff, administrative personnel, technical employees, and students will be instrumental in developing a culture of excellence, mutual respect, and accountability. Together, we aim to establish BCKV as a global leader in agricultural education, research, and extension, while addressing the pressing needs of West Bengal’s agriculture and its people.

Dr. Ashok Kumar Patra
Vice Chancellor, BCKV