




About the Department


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The Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture: In a nut shell Floriculture and Landscaping used to be taught within the domain of Horticulture at the onset in 1952 at the State Agriculture College, Ranikuthia 3-year B.Sc. (Ag.) degree course, affiliated to the University of Calcutta. It was then continued at Mohanpur from 1958 and was named “Birla College of Agriculture”. This college was merged with the University of Kalyani as the Faculty of Agriculture in 1960 and a separate department of Horticulture with Floriculture and Landscaping as a subject came into being. Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya was established on the 1st of September,1974 through bifurcation from the University of Kalyani and concomitant upgradation of the then Faculty of Agriculture. Fillip to Floriculture research was given with the establishment of a centre of the All India Coordinated Floriculture Improvement Project of the I.C.A.R. in 1974 . After 36 years of existence in Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya as a specialized subject in the department of Horticulture, a full-fledged Department of Floriculture and Landscaping came into existence in 1996 with the upgradation of the department of Horticulture to the level of Faculty of Horticulture, which consisted of five separate departments. Currently as per the BSMA the Department is named as Floriculture & Landscape Architecture while the PG & PhD programmes offered by the department are Floriculture & Landscaping.

Vision & Mission (Floriculture)


Floriculture industry is thought to be a high income agribusiness, therefore there is an urgent need to develop infrastructure for strategic and systematic approach for floriculture research keeping in view the problems faced by the flower growers right from production to reaching the end users. Molecular flower breeding & bio-technology, optimization of greenhouse environment, high yielding varieties of traditional & modern flowers, protocols for extraction of essential oils, nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, natural dyes, etc, drying & dehydration techniques including potpourris. The time tested and socially accepted first and second generation frontier technologies will be made use of to faster breeding for consumer preferences, to impart resistance to biotic stresses especially in crops that have shown low probability of success through traditional breeding. In brief, the followings are the priority areas:

  • Increasing resilience of ornamental crops against biotic and abiotic stresses
  • Technological back up for the existing and anticipated flower cultivation in terms of new and improved varieties, production technology for open field and hi-tech production systems, plant protection and post-harvest management for domestic and export markets.
  • Breeding for exportable varieties including designer flowers and tolerance/resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses using molecular breeding and advanced techniques.
  • Devising value addition protocols for essential oils, dry flowers, pigments and natural dyes for venturing into these areas.
  • Laying focus on ornamental plant nurseries, consultancy for landscaping, eco-tourism and pot plant business
  • Greenhouse designs for different regions and their construction with cheaper alternatives
  • Market intelligence for providing information on demand, supply and price (domestic and international markets) of various flower commodities.
  • Diversity of tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L) through RAPD marker
  • In vitro protocol Standardization in Marigold and rawvolfia
  • In vitro and in vivo mutagenesis study in marigold and tuberose

Infrastructure/ Facilities 

1  Class rooms One PG class room cum seminar room and one PhD class room
2 Farm
  • Wide germplasm of many Flower crops like, Tuberose, Rose,Chrysanthemum, Orchids, Anthurium ,Foliage plant etc.
  • Maintenance of shrubs, climber, trees, herbs etc
  • Well-maintained field, poly house for research works on different crops
  • Well established teaching farm for propagation of flower, foliage, succulents, cacti etc. for the students
3  Laboratory  Three number of PG labs are equipped with instruments for post harvest value addition, biochemical and microscopical studies
4  Tissue culture lab One well established tissue culture lab equipped with all the instruments

Course Offers


B.Sc (Hons.)Horticulture  
Course Code Semester Title of the course Credit Hours
HORT-153 2nd  Ornamental Horticulture  3(2+1)
HORT-203 3rd Commercial Floriculture 3(2+1)
HORT-204 3rd Principles of Landscape Architecture 2(1+1)
HORT- 353 6th Breeding and Seed Production of Flower and Ornamental Plants 3(2+1)
    Courses offered in collaboration with other departments
 HORT-101 1st    Fundamentals of Horticulture*  3(2+1)
 HORT 154 2nd    Plant Propagation and Nursery Management **  3(2+1)
 HORT 255  4th   Precision Farming & Protected Cultivation ***  3(2+1)

BSc (Hons.)Agriculture

HORT 309 5th Production Technology of Ornamental Crops, MAP and Landscaping 2(1+1)

*Department of Vegetable Science, Department of Fruit Science & Department of Plantation, Spices, Medicinal & Aromatics

** Department of Fruit Science

*** Department of Vegetable Science



1St Semester
Course Code Title of the course Credit Hours
FLS 501* Systematics  of Ornamental Plants 1+1
FLS 502* Breeding of Ornamental Plants 2+1
FLS 503* Commercial Production of Cut Flowers 2+1
FLS 504* Commercial Production of Loose Flowers 2+1
    2nd Semester
FLS 504* Ornamental Gardening  and  Landscaping 2+1
FLS 505 Indoor Plants and Interiorscaping 1+1
FLS 506 Nursery Management of Ornamental Plants 2+1
FLS 507 Turf  Grass Management 2+1

3rd  Semester

FLS 509 Value Addition in Floriculture 2+1
FLS 510 Protected Cultivation of Flower Crops 2+1
FLS 511 CAD for Landscaping 1+2
4th Semester
FLS 512 Seed Production in Flower Crops 1+1
FLS591 Seminar 0+1
FLS 599* Masters Research 0+30

* Compulsory course



1St Semester
Course Code Title of the course Credit Hours
FLS 601* Crop Regulation in Ornamental Crops 1+1
FLS 602* Postharvest Biology of Floricultural crops 2+1
FLS 603 Speciality Flowers ,Fillers and Cut Greens 1+1
    2nd Semester
FLS 604* Biotecnological Approaches in Floricultural Crops 2+1
FLS 605 Vertical gardening 1+2
FLS 606 Advances in Breeding of Flower Crops 2+1
FLS 607 Advances in Production Technology of Flower Crops 2+1
FLS 691  Seminar -I (ORW) 0+1

3rd  Semester

FLS 608 Advances in Protected Cultivation of Flower crop 2+1
FLS 609 Advances in Landscape Gardening 1+2
4th Semester
5th  Semester
6th  Semester
FLS  692 Seminar -II 0+1
FLS 699* Doctoral research 0+75

*Compulsory course