Sl.No. | Title | Institute | Period |
1 | International Conference on “Landscape and Urban Horticulture” | Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Horticulture | 12-14 th September,2013. |
2 | National symposium on recent advances in floriculture and urban horticulture | Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Horticulture | 04-05th January,2018 |
3 | ICAR CBP 10 days Short Course on “Technology update on Floriculture and Aromatic crops for farmers’ empowerment and rural entrepreneurship” | Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Horticulture | 9th to 18th December 2019 |
4 | National symposium on ornamental & edible horticulture- emerging challenges & sustainable goals | Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Horticulture | 21-22 February 2022 |
Prominent Research Achievents
- A germplasm repository in tuberose has been established and morphological and biochemical characterization of the germplasm have been done by Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of W.B. project
- A germplasm repository on turf grasses is established and is presently under studies
- More than 200 F1s have been developed by crossing in tuberose cultivars which are under evaluations
- Two variants have been developed by mutation breeding in tuberose
- The drying techniques have standardized in more than 100 species of flowers and foliages through press, hot air oven, microwave oven, vacuum, glycerine and lyophilizer drying technologies by Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India project
- The in vitro propagation in Gerbera and Calanthe orchid have been standardized
- Marigold being the most important traditional flower of the region, season based production in the line with the local climate vs Cultivars, has been documented for further recommendation.
- Micronutrients doses has been standardized for better post harvest life of marigold in the line of retention of colorvs freshness.
- There have been successful research studies,to promote soil health by use of different organic sources and bio-stimulant in cultivation of tuberose, marigold etc.
- The Department has standardized integrated nutrient management scheduling of different flower crops.
- Research activities related to efficient cultivation approach for Rose(HT) and its bending techniques been successfully completed.
- Standardization of cultivation of marigold by the use of indigenous materials (vermicompost,moringa leaf extracts etc.)
- Colour extraction from flowers and fabric dying techniques have been standardized
Research project ongoing/completed
Sl.No. |
Name of Project | Name of the PI | Period | Agency |
1 | Development of new varieties through hybridization and mutation breeding in Polianthestuberosa (Rajnigandha) | Dr.Subhendu S Gantait | 2019-2022 | Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of West Bengal |
2 | Value added dry flower production: one step escalation for tribal and marginal women empowerment | Dr.Subhendu S Gantait | 2016-2019 | Dept. of Science & Technology Govt. of India |
3 | Field bioefficacy and phytotoxicity trials of MASL103 against Two Spotted Mites (Tetranychusurticae) of Rose crop for two seasons | Dr.Subhendu S Gantait | 2016-2018 |
Mahindra Agri Solutions Ltd. Mumbai, India |
4 | Studies on bio-efficacy of Bacillus subtilis based biofungicide, Taegro in Rose for control of Powdery Mildew | Dr.JayotiMajumder | 2016-2018 | Novozyme South Asia Pvt. Ltd. |