Students have secured responsible position in Academic, Research & Developmental work in Universities; Financial & Banking Sector; Agril. Research & Extension Services in the State & Central Govt.; Fertilizer Industries; Promotional activities & Marketing in Govt. & Pvt. Sector; Analyst, Chemist for Quality Control in R & D Laboratories.
Remarkable Result, Scholarship
- Till date, more than 500 post-graduate students have earned their M.Sc. (Ag.) degrees and more than 180 research scholars had obtained their Ph.D. degree from this department.
- After passing out from this department, many M. Sc. (Ag.) and Ph. D students have pursued their Doctoral and Post-Doctoral research works, respectively in foreign countries.
- A good number of under-graduate students with specialization in the field of Soil Science have been performing very well in ICAR Junior Fellowship examination.
- Post-Graduate students of this department have been doing well in ICAR Senior Research Fellowship and NET Examinations.
- More than 30 students had qualified for ARS from this department in the previous years
- Number of students have bagged very prestigious national level fellowship/scholarship viz. Prime Minister Fellowship, Inspire Fellowship, Rajiv Gandhi Fellowship for pursuing their Ph D degree
- Students of this Department also regularly participate and present research paper in different International and National Seminar/Symposia and earned appreciation for their work with Gold medals.
- Alumni of the department are well placed in Agricultural Universities as Professors, in Agril. Research & Extension Services in the State & Central Govt. as Scientist, Officers, Analyst;as Chemist for Quality Control in R & D Laboratories; as Officersin Nationalized Banks and in internationally reputed Private sectors; holding posts of Director in different National bodies and Vice-Chancellor of some of the Agricultural Universities.