Sl.No. | Name of the M.Sc. Student | Chairman | Title of the thesis |
1 | Miss RupaliMandal | Prof. Pranab Hazra | Characterization of coloured sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum) under alluvial zone of West Bengal |
2 | T. Pradeep Kumar | Prof. Pranab Hazra | Characterization of wild relatives of tomato |
3 | Miss Mary Nath | Prof. Pranab Hazra | Characterization and inheritance of anthocyanin fruit (Aft) gene in tomato |
4 | S. Phibahunjai Syiem | Prof. Pranab Hazra | Evaluation and characterization of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum) genotypes under low-cost polyhouse condition |
5 | Ananya Sehanabish | Prof. Pranab Hazra | Evaluation of the novel breeding lines “Purple Tomato” for growth, yield, fruit quality and reaction to different diseases |
6 | Sourav Roy | Prof. Pranab Hazra | Heterosis for earliness, fruit yield and yield attributing characters in sweet pepper |
7 | Sayani Ghosh | Prof. Pranab Hazra | Studies on processing and nutritional quality of tomato and cherry tomato as influenced by genotypes |
8 | Swagata Mandal | Prof. Pranab Hazra | Induction of flowering and fruit setting in potato |
9 | Saikat Karmakar | Prof. T. K. Maity | Evaluation of local cultivars of Garlic. |
10 | Raju Baskey | Prof. T. K. Maity | Impact of Biozyme on reduction of fertilizer dose in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). |
11 | Kadhai Hembram | Prof. T. K. Maity | Influence of salicylic acid on onion (Allium cepa L.) |
12 | Jhilki Kabiraj | Prof.A.R. Mandal | Study on the performance of cauliflower based intercropping system |
13 | Shubhashree Priyadarshinee Das | Prof.A.R. Mandal | Effect of variety and stage of harvest on seed production of |
14 | Anuj Priya | Prof. A. R. Mandal | Performance of bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl.) under different nutrient management |
15 | Lidia Mochary | Prof. A. R. Mandal | Genetic Variation in Garlic varieties |
16 | Akashdeep Roy | Prof. A. R. Mandal | Growth and Yield of Ridge gourd under Irrigation and Nutrient management |
17 | Niharika Jyotirekha Nayak | Prof. A. R. Mandal | Yield component, genetic diversity and combining ability in pole type of Dolichos bean (Lablab purpureus var. typicus) |
18 |
Subhashis Kundu |
Prof. A. R. Mandal | Yield components, Genetic divergence and Heterosis in Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) |
19 | Pooja Biswas | Prof. A. R. Mandal | Influence of Micronutrients on Onion (Allium cepa L.) |
20 | Pradip Bhutia | Prof. A. R. Mandal | Effect of irrigation and nitrogen on Pak-Choi in alluvial soil of West Bengal |
21 | Babai Das | Prof. M. K. Pandit | Characterization of heavy metal contamination in vegetable crops with some mitigation options |
22 | Sanjay Bairagi | Prof. M. K. Pandit | Thermal environment and plant population impacts on growth and yield dynamics of baby corn(Zea mays var. rugosa) |
23 | Arindam Das | Prof. M. K. Pandit | Characterization of floral morphology and reproductive profiles of some brinjal (Solanummelongena L. ) genotypes. |
24 | Santanu Layek | Prof. M. K. Pandit | Characterization of desirable snake gourd (Trichosanthes anguinaL.) Mutant lines |
25 | Ranjita Chowdhuri | Prof. M. K. Pandit | Study of vegetable crops- weather relationship in West Bengal |
26 | Anamika Upadhyay | Prof. M. K. Pandit | Morphological characterization of some selected advanced mutated lines of snake gourd (Trichosanthes anguinaL.) |
27 | Rajdeep Guha Mallick | Prof. M. K. Pandit | Determination of LD50 and GR50 and their variation with respect to time of sowing after irradiation and method of irradiation by gamma ray in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) |
28 | Subhrajit Roy | Prof. M. K. Pandit | Study of yield and its components and pest complex of some putative mutant lines in snake gourd |
29 | Shibnath Basfore | Prof. U. Thapa | Standardization of production technology of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L.) subsp. pekinensis |
30 | Sujata Debnath | Prof. U. Thapa | Evaluation of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Genotypes for Seed Production |
31 | Asim Das | Prof. U. Thapa | Seed Production Potentialities of sprouting broccoli (Brassica oleraceavar. italica) planted at different dates |
32 | Debalina Mallick | Prof. U. Thapa | Standardization of growing media and nutrient solution for growing Sweet pepper under soilless culture quality under Soilless Culture |
33 | Suman Nandi | Prof. U. Thapa | Response of genotypes as influenced by mulching and training of Cucumber under protected condition |
34 | Debanjan Baul | Prof. U. Thapa | Standardization of some vegetables varieties with different substrates under vertical farming |
35 | Arpita Kundu | Prof. U. Thapa | Genetic variability and diversity analysis in winged bean |
36 | Deepa Debnath | Prof. U. Thapa | Assessment of varieties of Cherry tomato (Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme) for growth, yield and |
37 | Tripti Gupta | Prof. U. Thapa | Evaluation of indeterminate tomato hybrids for yield and quality traits in polyhouse and open field condition |
38 | Deepsel Gurung | Prof. U. Thapa | Genetic variability and character association of Garden Peah (Pisum Sativum L.) for pod and seed yield |
39 | Sudipta Ghosh | Prof. U. Thapa | Morphological and physic- biochemical characterization of hybrid tomato with different substrates in soilless culture |
40 | Narendra Nath Hansda | Prof. U. Thapa | Evaluation of Winged bean genotypes under West Bengal conditions |
41 | Bandari Naresh | Prof. U. Thapa | Genetic variability and Diversity in Rabi onion (Allium cepa L.) |
42 | Reva Mondal | Prof. S. B. Chattopadhyay | Response of phosphorus, molybdenum and rhizobium on growth and yield of garden pea |
43 | Julfikar Ali | Prof. S. B. Chattopadhyay | Effect of phosphorous and molybdenum micronutrients on growth and yield of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) |
44 | Pritiparna Mohanty | Prof. S. B. Chattopadhyay | Introgression of Ty genes for enhanced ToLCV tolerance and nutritional qualities in tomato |
45 | Byya Reddy | Prof. S. B. Chattopadhyay | Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth, yield ,quality and storability of Beetroot CV. Crimson Globe |
46 | Miss Nangsol Dolma Bhutia | Prof .A. Chattopadhyay | Studies on yield components , heterosis and gene action in chilli |
47 | Subhramalya Dutta | Prof .A. Chattopadhyay | Manifestation of yield and disease tolerance in the hybrids of tomato(Solanum lycopersicum L.) |
48 | Brati Acharya | Prof .A. Chattopadhyay | Heterosis and inheritance pattern of bacterial wilt disease resistance in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) |
49 | B. Lalramhlimi | Prof .A. Chattopadhyay | Characterization and genetic component analysis of Teasle gourd (Momordica subangulata subsp. Renigera(G. Don) de Wilde) |
50 | Tithi Dutta | Prof .A. Chattopadhyay |
Heterosis and combining ability in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) |
51 | Debmala Mukherjee | Prof .A. Chattopadhyay |
Breeding cherry tomato for yield and nutritional qualities |
52 | Sudipa Roy | Prof .A. Chattopadhyay | Development and comparative studies of double cross hybrids of tomato |
53 | Kheyali Ghosh | Dr.P.Choudhuri | Effect of different organic inputs on growth,yield and biochemical parameters of broccoli(Brassica oleracea var. italica) |
54 | Souvik Bhunia | Dr.P.Choudhuri | Effect of different organic inputs on bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) under shade net condition |
55 |
Payel Ghosh |
Dr.P.Choudhuri | Effect of intercropping on growth, yield and quality parameters of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L. var. grossum sendt.) |
56 | Debarati Barman | Dr.P.Choudhuri | Effect of intercropping on growth,yield and quality parameters of broccoli (Brassica oleracea l. var. italica) |
57 | Abdur Rahim | Dr.P.Choudhuri | Effect of Biofertilizers on growth, yield and quality of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) |
58 | Krishnendu Sadhukhan | Dr.P.Choudhuri | Genetic variability and character association studies in onion (Allium cepa L.) |
59 | Puthem Robindro Sing | Dr. C. Karak | Manifestation of Heterosis in Bitter gourd |
60 | Pradipta Dutta | Dr. C. Karak | Manifestation of Heterosis in tomato |
61 | Santu Sing Patar | Dr. C. Karak | Genetic variability and character associationship in tomato |
62 | Santonu Das | Dr. C. Karak | Genetic variability in Cowpea |
63 | Dibya Jyoti Mukhia | Dr. C. Karak | Variation for different characters due to ripening inhibiting mutant genes in homozygous and heterozygous condition in tomato |
64 | Suvojit Bose | Dr. C. Karak | Characterization of parthenocarpic cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) |
Ph.D Scholars
Sl.No. | Name of the Ph.D Scholar | Chairman | Title of the thesis |
1 | Mrs Shirin Akhtar | Prof. Pranab Hazra | Genetic variation for important taste related and nutritive quality characters in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) |
2 | Mrs Priyanka Biswas | Prof. Pranab Hazra | Effect of different mutant genes on the content of compounds related to nutritive quality in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) fruits |
3 | Subhamoy Sikder | Prof. Pranab Hazra | Applied mutagenesis in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), |
4 | Chandan Kumar Mandal | Prof. Pranab Hazra (Co-Supervisor) | Screening of chilli (Capsicum spp.) genotypes for leaf curl complex suitable for the cropping system of Sunderbans in West Bengal (Thesis awarded from the Institute of Agricultural Science, University of Calcutta) |
5 | Brati Acharya | Prof. Pranab Hazra | Genetic variation in fruit yield and quality characters in the recombinant lines of the advanced generations of inter-specific hybrids of tomato |
6 | Ms. Mrinalini Lonjam | Prof. Pranab Hazra | Development of tomato lines with increased lycopene and anthocyanin contents through introgression of mutant genes |
7 | P. Pradeep Kumar | Prof. Pranab Hazra | Characterization of wild Solanum relatives of tomato and segregation pattern of the inter-specific hybrids |
8 | Shubhrajyoti Saha | Prof. Pranab Hazra | Genetic variation, interrelationship and gene action for important fruit characters in bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) |
9 | Chandan Kumar Mandal | Prof. Pranab Hazra (Co-Supervisor) | Screening of chilli (Capsicum spp.) genotypes for leaf curl complex suitable for the cropping system of Sunderbans in West Bengal (Thesis awarded from University of Calcutta) |
10 | Jayanta Choudhury | Prof. Pranab Hazra (Co-Supervisor) | Genetic variation in yield components and quality characters, multivariate analysis and character associationship in tomato(Thesis awarded from Visva Bharati) |
11 | Mrs Shubhomita Chattopadhyay | Prof. T K Maity | Nutrient Management of Onion(Allium cepa L.) in the plains of New Alluvial Zone of West Bengal |
12 | Palash Santra | Prof. T K Maity | Adaptability of kharif onion (Allium cepa L.) germplasms in the plains of West Bengal |
13 | Debashis Manna | Prof. T K Maity | Management Strategies for Quality Seed Production in Onion (Allium cepa L.) and its Storage. |
14 | Priyadarshani P. Mahapatra | Prof. T K Maity | Studies on the genetic divergence of some kharif onion genotypes utilizing molecular markers and its field performance in the plains of West Bengal |
15 | Tarique Aslam | Prof. T K Maity | Characterization of onion genotypes using molecular markers and its field performance in the plains of West Bengal |
16 | Shubhashree Priyadarshinee Das | Prof. A.R. Mandal | Genetic Divergence, Combining Ability and Heterosis in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) |
17 | Jhilki Kabiraj | Prof. A.R. Mandal | Influence of different Vegetable based Cropping sequence on Productivity, Nutrient use efficiency and Soil fertility |
18 | Rajib Das | Prof. A.R. Mandal | Vegetable Based Cropping Sequence under Integrated Nutrient Management |
19 | Eslavath Rambabu | Prof. A.R. Mandal | Genetic Divergence, Combining Ability and Heterosis in Bottle Gourd (Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.) Standley) |
20 | N Pandiarana | Prof. Arup Chattopadhyay | Studies on heterosis and gene action in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) with special references to ToLCV and early blight resistance. |
21 | Yogendra Yadav | Prof. Arup Chattopadhyay | Genetic control and biochemical basis of resistance to enation leaf curl virus (ELCV) disease in Okra |
22 | Ipsita Das | Prof. Arup Chattopadhyay | Characterization and inheritance pattern of the new mutants of tomato |
23 | Subhramalya Dutta | Prof. Arup Chattopadhyay | Applied mutagenesis in bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) |
24 | Tridip Bhattacharya | Prof. Arup Chattopadhyay | Genetic control for bacterial wilt tolerance in brinjal |
25 | Swadesh Banerjee | Prof. Arup Chattopadhyay | Heterosis and gene action in sweet pepper |
26 | Tania Seth | Prof. Arup Chattopadhyay | Genetic control and biochemical basis of resistance to yellow vein mosaic virus disease in okra |
27 | Ayam Pushparani Devi | Prof. Arup Chattopadhyay | Inheritance pattern of Enation Leaf Curl virus disease in Okra |
28 | Mrs Anwesha Maity | Prof. M K Pandit | Characterization, pollen morphology and weather regime studies on growth and yield in snake gourd (Trichosanthes anguina L.) germplasms |
29 | Palash Sidhya | Prof. M K Pandit | Applied mutagenesis by gamma rays in Snake gourd (Trichosanthes anguina L.) |
30 | Ayagari Venkata V. Koundinya | Prof. M. K. Pandit | Profiling of quality parameters as a function of cropping season, character associationship, diversity and stability analysis and screening against BFSB infestation in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.)31 |
31 | J. Suresh Kumar | Prof. M. K. Pandit | Genetic variability, diversity, heterosis and combining ability in sponge gourd (Luffa ylindrical L. Roem.) |
32 |
Sanket Kumar Yadav |
Prof. M. K. Pandit | Characterization and genetic analysis of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) genotypes and their screening against important diseases |
33 |
Santanu Layek |
Prof. M. K. Pandit | Mutation induced genetic variability in Snake Gourd with special emphasis on flowering, fruiting and associated characters |
34 | Mrs Rashmi Rai | Prof. Umesh Thapa | Nutrient Management for producing Leafy vegetables in soilless culture |
35 | Ms Yovvne Angel Lygndoh | Prof. Umesh Thapa | Genetic variation and character association of French bean(Phaseolus vulgaris L.) for pod , seed and quality characters |
36 | Shubham Kumar Khulshrestha | Prof. Umesh Thapa | Varietal evaluation for optimization of planting date and pruning in protected cultivation of cherry tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill. var. cerasiforme)” |
37 | Reva Mondal | Prof. Umesh Thapa | Genetic variation and interrelationship for fruit yield component and susceptibility to fruit and shoot borer infestation in brinjal |
38 | B. Ashok Kumar | Prof. Umesh Thapa | Standardization of vegetable based cropping sequence under protected condition |
39 | Satish Kumar Subba | Prof. Umesh Thapa | Compatibility of Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) varieties through grafting |
40 | Mudavath Lakshman Naik | Prof. S. B. Chattopadhyay | Characterization, yield components and heterosis in bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) |
41 | Praveen Kumar Maurya | Dr. P. Choudhuri | Role of intercropping on growth, yield, population dynamics of major insect pests and economic impacts in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) |
42 | Subhrajyoti Chatterjee | Dr. P. Choudhuri | Yield components, nodulation and gene action in French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) |