AICRP on Chickpea
All India Coordinated Research project on Chickpea was started as voluntary Centre in 2010-11 under Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya. From 1st April 2015 this Centre was upgraded to budgetary Sub-Centre with the provision of two scientific and one technical assistant posts. In 1950-51, the total area under chickpea in West Bengal was 130 thousand hectare, total production was 113 thousand ton with average productivity being 871 kg/ha. In 1971-72,the area under chickpea was 135 thousand ha with the production of 90 thousand ton and productivity of 670 kg/ha. During 2014-15 the area under total chickpea was 26.2 thousand ha with total production 30.8 thousand tons and productivity of 1178 kg/ha. Only 15-20 percent of demand could be met through the present production of West Bengal. There has been a decrease in area of 26.5% in Chickpea. Scope is there for horizontal expansion of chickpea in rice fallows which otherwise remains fallow after harvest of aman paddy which can be brought into cultivation for enhancing pulse production and approximately 30 per cent increase in production can be achieved.
Year of start/establishment of the Project: 1st April, 2015
Staff Strength (Scientific/Technical or Supporting)
Sl.No | Sanctioned positions | Name | Designation |
1 | Scientist Agronomy | Dr. Md. Hedayetullah | Assistant Professor (Agronomy) & Officer In-Charge |
- Germplasm resource collection, evaluation and conservation
- Technology development and validation (Crop improvement, production and crop protection)
- Technology dissemination through Front line Demonstration (FLD)
No. of Trials Allocated/Conducted During 2015-16 to 2017-18:
Sl.No | Year | Trials Allocated | Trials conducted |
1 | 2015-16 | 9 | 9 |
2 | 2016-17 | 10 | 10 |
3 | 2017-18 | 10 | 10 |
Salient Findings:
- Extension activity: Front Line Demonstrations (FLD) were regularly conducted as per programme. Farmers meeting also conducted during crop season with FLD farmers and others farmers.
- Germplasm Evaluation: A total of 400 genotypes were maintained and evaluated. The following genotypes were identified for different characters.
Table 1: Different Character of gGenotypes
Suitable for mechanical harvesting (Erect and upright plant type) | Suitable for earliness | Higher yield (per plant) | Suitable for higher nodulation | Alternaria Blight |
C-23, C-12, D-17, D-3, D-16, C-1149, PA030 1171 (13), HC-5, GG-2, C-72 etc. | PA 072 252, PA 030 1153, PA 033 2036, PA 030 1171, HC-05, GNG-1958, BGM-408, HG-1 and GNG-469 | BG-256, Avrodhi, Pusa-391, Rajas, GNG-1958, Pusa -72, RSG-896, JG-315, JG-316, Pusa-244, Pusa-212, KWR-108, Annigiri, | BG 256, Pusa 362, PDG 3, GNG 146 and CSJD 884, HK-1, HK-1, L 550 | Resistant: 24034-4-1, 24003-2-1, C-91, C-1143, C-1159, C-1160. Susceptible:C-83, C-58, C-83, C-71 |
Table 2: Different Character of gGenotypes
Suitable for drought tolerance | Drought susceptible | Suitable for higher nodulation | Suitable for late sown/ heat tolerance | Suitable for soil with low available phosphate |
GG 4, FLIP07-3C, ICCV 13317, ICCV 13308, ICCV 13316, | ICCV 95311, GJG 0184, 24001-4-1, 24004-3-1 and IPC 20117 | BG 256, Pusa 362, PDG 3, GNG 146 and CSJD 884, HK-1, HK-1, L 550 | ICCV-10, Phule G-12, Vaibhav, and BG-256 | ICCV-13117, ICCV-13107, ICCV-14106, ICCV-13314, JG-11, ICCV-14103, AGBL-184, ICCV-13312, IPC-2011-23 |
Special Not Covered in Above:
Paira or relay chickpea performed well under rice fallow conditions. Special trial on Paira or relay chickpea conducted for eastern India during 2016-17. This technology is promising under rice fallow conditions and lots of work to be done.
Variety Developed: Bidhan Chola-1 (Kabuli) is under testing in IVT-Kabuli under AICRP.