AICRP on All India Network Research Project on Onion and Garlic (Voluntary Centre)
Year of start/establishment of the Project: 2008-2009 (by the end of March, 2009)
- To collect, evaluate and conserve the Allium biodiversity existing in different agro-climatic zones in the country.
- To develop improved varieties and hybrids resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses through multi-location testing of mandate crops for different zones.
- To develop and validate technologies suitable for the region for higher bulb production, seed production, plant protection and post-harvest handling and storage
- To provide scientific leadership in network research for solving location specific problem of production and to monitor breeder seed production of released/notified varieties
- To provide training support to the onion and garlic farmers in respective zones.
No. of Trials Allocated/Conducted During 2013-18:
During 2017-18, 09(nine) trials were conducted
For Contact:
Prof Tapan Kumar Maiti (Principal Investigator)
AICRP on Onion and Garlic (Voluntary Centre)
Faculty of Horticulture
Department of Vegetable Science
Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya
PO: Krishiviswavidyalaya, Mohanpur,
Nadia, West Bengal, India, Pin:741252
Phone: 9433731300
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.