Publications since 2017 having NAAS rating above 5.00 (24)
(Complete list shown in the bottom to be hyperlinked)
- Prof Anjan Kumar Pal, Senior faculty of the department was recognized for Excellence in Teaching Award in the National Conference on Doubling Farmers Income for Sustainable and Harmonious Agriculture at Venkateswara University, Tirupatiduring 9-10th September, 2017.
- Dr. SubhasisMondal acted as a Subject Expert for promotion of the faculties under CAS in PalliSikshaBhavana (Institute of Agriculture), Visva-Bharati, Sriniketan (2019).
- Dr. SubhasisMondal is on an assignment of the Extenal Member of the Board of Studies of the Department of Crop Physiology, PalliSikshaBhavana (Institute of Agriculture), Visva-Bharati, Sriniketan (2020).
- Dr. SubhasisMondal acted as a member of the panel of Expertfor selection of SRF of a project.
- Prof Anjan Kumar Pal acted as a member of the panel of Expertfor selection of SRF of a project in ICAR-CRIJAF held on 13.11.2018.
- Prof Anjan Kumar Pal acted as a member of the panel of Expertfor selection of SRF of a project in ICAR-CRIJAF held on 02.07.2019.
- Prof Anjan Kumar Pal acted as a member of the panel of Expert for selection of SRF of a project in ICAR-CRIJAF held on 24.07.2019.
- Prof Anjan Kumar Pal acted as a Subject Expert for promotion of the faculties under CAS of PalliSikshaBhavana (Institute of Agriculture), Visva-Bharati, Sriniketan (2019).
- Prof Anjan Kumar Pal acted as a External Examiner at Uttar BangaKrishiViswavidyalaya for evaluation of Ph D synopsis(14.02.2019).
- Prof Anjan Kumar Pal acted as a External Examiner at Uttar BangaKrishiViswavidyalaya for evaluation of Ph D synopsis (10.09.2019).
Details of the Publication (NAAS>5) Journal Publication
Tamang, Deepen, Yadaw, S., and Pal, A.K. (2016) Differential physiological response in root and leaf of mungbean [Vignaradiata (L.) Wilczek] under salinity and drought stress. International Journal of Biotech Trends and Technology (IJBTT), 19 (1): 10-13. (Impact Factor : 1.02).
- Pal, P., Mondal, S and Kundu, S. (2017) Effect of paclobutrazolon vegetative response production of mango (Mangiferaindica L., var. Himsagar), Int. J.Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci.6(12): 1264-1275 .(NAAS: 5.38).
- Dutta, D., Pal, A., Sen, J. Pal, A.K. and Gunri, S. (2017) Evaluation of groundnut (Arachishypogaea L.) genotypes for cadmium tolerance. Journal of Crop and Weed, 13(3): 44-48.(NAAS: 5.46).
- Pal, Apurba, Tamang, Deepen, Yadaw, Sushil Kumar and Pal, A.K. (2017) Mitigation of salinity stress in groundnut (Arachishypogaea L.) During germination by seed priming. The Bioscan, 12(3): 1741-1746.(NAAS: 5.26).
- Das, Pallab Kumar, Pal, Apurba and Pal, Anjan Kumar (2018) Differential responses on germination, seedling growth and localization pattern of mungbean genotypes under cadmium stress. International Journal of Chemical Studies, 6(5): 2366-2372.(NAAS: 5.31).
- Mandi, Sibu, Pal Anjan Kumar, Nath,Rajib and Hembram, Suryakant (2018) ROS scavenging and nitrate reductase enzyme activity in mungbean [4Vigna radiata(l.) Wilczek] under drought stress. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences., 7(4) : 1031-1039.(NAAS: 5.38)
- Trisha Sinha, SubhasisMondal and Surya Kant Hembramm (2018). Evaluation of Chickpea Genotypes on the Basis of their Physiological Growth Parameters. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences: Special Issue-7 pp. 3888-3895. (NAAS 5.38).
- Ali Mohammed Anwar, Pal, Anjan Kumar, Pal, Apurba, Baidya, Ananya and Gunri, Sunil Kumar (2018) Screening of genotypes on basis of chlorophyll content, nitrate reductase activity and kernel yield in groundnut (ArachishypogaeaL.). International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences7(8) : 4645-4650.(NAAS: 5.38)
- AnanyaBaidya, SubhasisMondal and RajibNath (2019). Screening and evaluation of seed characters and their with seed quality in lentil (Lens culinarisMedikus). Journal of Pharmacognosy and phytochemistry. 33 (2): 1-6. (NAAS 5.32)
- Pal, P., Mondal, S and Samanta, Puspendu (2017) Effect of foliar application of zinc on seed yield of lentil (Lens culinarisMedicus) and its yielding components. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology. 8 (6): 1890-1893. (NAAS 5.21)
- Ali Mohammed Anwar, Pal, Anjan Kumar,Baidya, Ananya and Gunri, Sunil Kumar (2019) Variation in dry matter production, partitioning, yield and its correlation in groundnut (Arachishypogaeal.) Genotypes. Legume Research, DOI: 10.18805/LR-4144 / Article Id: LR-4144.(NAAS: 6.34)
- Sen, J., Dutta, D. and Pal, A.K. (2019) Evaluation of some lentil genotypes for drought tolerance in context of drought tolerance indices. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 8(4): 363-372.(NAAS: 5.38)
- Dutta, D. and Pal, A.K. (2019) Physiological basis of cadmium tolerance in groundnut (ArachishypogaeaL.). Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 8(4): 548-552. (NAAS: 5.21)
- Atta, K., Karmakar, S., Dutta, D., Pal, A.K. and Jana, K. (2019) Comparative physiology of salinity, drought and heavy metal stress during seed germination in ricebean [Vignaumbellata(Thunb.) Ohwi and Ohashi]. Journal of Crop and Weed,15(3): 145-149.(NAAS: 5.46)
- Pal, Apurba and Pal, Anjan Kumar (2020) Differential responses on chlorophyll content, osmolyte accumulation and membrane damage parameters under salinity stress on tolerant and susceptible genotypes of groundnut. Legume Research, DOI: 10.18805/LR-4284 / Article Id: LR-4284.(NAAS: 6.34)
- Pal, Apurba and Pal, Anjan Kumar (2020) Enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants activity under alleviate cadmium stress in mungbean [Vignaradiata(l.)Wilczek]. Multilogic in Science, X (XXXIII): 662-665.(NAAS: 5.20)
- Pal ,Apurba, Dutta, Debjani, Pal, Anjan Kumar and Gunri, Sunil Kumar (2020) Effect of salinity stress on antioxidative enzyme activity in the leaves of tolerant and susceptible genotypes of groundnut. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change, 10(9): 100-111.(NAAS: 5.29)
- Atta, Kousik, Chettri, P. and Pal, A.K. (2020) Physiological and biochemical changes under salinity and drought stress in ricebean [Vignaumbellata(thunb.) Ohwi and ohashi] seedlings. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change, 10(8): 58-64.(NAAS: 5.29)
- Atta, Kousik, Pal, A.K. and Jana, K. (2020) Effects of salinity, drought and heavy metal stress during seed germination stage inricebean [Vignaumbellata (Thunb.) Ohwi and Ohashi]. Plant Physiology Reports,(A Springer Journal), 26 (1): 109-115.DOI: 10.1007/s40502-020-00542-4 (NAAS: 5.18)
- Trisha Sinha, SubhasisMondal,RajibNath and SuryakantHembram(2020). Morphological traits and growth studies of some promising chickpea [Cicerarietinum (L.)] genotypes. International Journal of Chemical Studies.8(1): 1712-1717. (NASS 5.31).
- Baidya, A., Pal, A.K., Ali, M.A. and Nath, R. (2021). High-temperature Stress and the Fate of Pollen Germination and Yield in Lentil (Lens culinarisMedikus). Indian Journal of Agricultural Research. 55(2): 144-150. DOI: 10.18805/IJARe.A-5440. (NAAS: 5.20)
- D. Dutta, A.K.Pal and P. U. Acharjee (2021) Physiological Studies on Seedling Growth in Groundnut (ArachishypogaeaL.) under Interactive Effects of Cadmium and Zinc. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, Vol. 68, Suppl. 1, pp. S82–S91. DOI: 10.1134/S1021443721070025. (NAAS: 7.20).
- M. A. Sarath Chandran, Saon Banerjee, Asis Mukherjee, Manoj K. Nanda, Subhasis Mondal and V. Visha Kumari (2021). Evaluating the impact of projected climate on rice–wheat groundnut cropping sequence in lower Gangetic plains of India: a study using multiple GCMs, DSSAT model, and long term sequence analysis. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 145, 1243–1258. (NAAS 8.88)
- Atta, K., Sen, J., Chettri, P. and Pal, A.K. (2021). Antioxidant Responses of Ricebean [Vignaumbellata(Thunb.) Ohwi and Ohashi] Seedling under Iso-osmotic Potential of Salinity and Drought Stress. Legume Research.DOI: 10.18805/LR-4551.(NAAS: 6.53).
Future Plan of the Department
The Department of Plant Physiology faces formidable challenges and enormous tasks in the years to come, both from the increasing demands of enhancing crop productivity and from the perspective of changing climate. The globally changing approaches to address these issues along with the recent developments in various fields of plant physiology and molecular biology have been added to teaching and research curricula. The department needs to improve its infrastructural and instrumental facilities further to keep pace with the recent developments in these fronts. Department aspires to develop an integrated research unit on a mission mode with interdisciplinary collaboration from other related subjects to be recognized as a Niche Area for studies on plant developmental biology including stress physiology. Furthermore, by developing a good mix of senior and junior faculties, efforts are to be taken to combine the richness of experience and enthusiasm so as to train the UG and PG students for their future career and professional establishment to build a good nation.