Most of the students of the department are well placed as faculties in other Universities/colleges, state departments of agriculture, international institute like USDA-ARS and in the private sector and have continued to exhibit high standards of performance and excellence. One of the most significant achievements of one of the students of this department is the participation in 5th Hope meeting with Nobel laureates in Life Science organized by Japanese Society for Promotion of Science (J.S.P.S.) in Tokyo, Japan in 2013.
The students of this department have received Inspire Fellowship, ICAR JRF in Plant Science and Biotechnology and SRF in Plant Physiology, Rajib Gandhi Fellowship for SC and ST Fellowship, National Fellowship for OBC Candidates and have qualified for ARS Net including ARS main examination for recruitment of posts in the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) of the ICAR at different times. Two Ph.D. students of the department have been called for interview for recruitment of posts in Plant Physiology under Agricultural Research Service (ARS) of the ICAR in the year 2017.
Remarkable Results, Scholarship-UGC, ICAR, State of W.B.
Data Not Available