AICRP on Palms
Research Activities:
- Expt.– 1: Crop Improvement Utilization of existing germplasms and description of varieties :
- Expt.- 2: Trial on promising seed material :
- Expt.– 3: Nutritional requirement of high yielding varieties/hybrids :
- Expt.– 4: Coconut based high density multispecies cropping system:
- Expt.- 5: Integrated nutrient management through organics in coconut:
- Expt.– 6: Coconut based cropping system second generation experiment
- Expt. -7. Intercropping of medicinal and aromatic plant in coconut garden
- Expt.-8: Nutritional requirement of high yielding varieties / hybrids of coconut with 50% organic matter substitution
- Expt.-9: Collection , conservation and evaluation of local germplasms. Expt.-10: Evaluation of new coconut hybrid Tall X Tall
- Expt.-11: Performance of Dwarf x Dwarf hybrids in coconut in different agro-climatic regions
- Expt.-12: Performance of newly released coconut varieties and hybrids in different agroclimatic regions
- Expt.-13: Large scale multiplication of newly released coconut varieties and hybrids in different agro-climatic regions
- Expt.-14: Screening of pepper varieties for their performance as mixed crop in coconut gardens
- Expt.-15: Studies on fertilizer application through micro-irrigation technique for coconut.
- Expt.-16: Development of coconut based integrated cropping system model for different agro-climatic regions
- Expt.-17: Observational trial on the performance of Morinda citrifolia as mixed crop in coconut gardens
AICRP on Cashew
Research Programmes:
- Germplasm collection, maintenance and description of types.
- Multilocation trial II with varieties from Vridhachalam, Vengurla, Bapatla and NRCC, Puttur.
- Multilocation trial V – Performance of released varieties
- Hybridisation and selection
- NPK fertilizer on farm trial
- Fertilizer application in high density cashew plantation.
- High density planting observational Trial.
- Organic management in cashew.
Sl.No. | Name of the Project | Funding Agency | Supervisors |
1 | Evaluation of bioeffectiveness, phytotoxicity and residue of Gibberellic acid 0.45 % on chilli. | M/S Krishi Rasayan Exports Pvt Ltd, Kolkata | Dr. Amit Baran Sharangi as PI |
2 | Integrated Development of Herbal (MAPs) Garden at BCKV Mohanpur, Nadia | The National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB), Ministry of AYUSH,GoI | Dr. Amit Baran Sharangi |
3 | All India Coordinated Research Project on Spices (Principal Investigator) | AICRP on Spices | PI: Dr R Chatterjee |
4 | Sustainable farming system to enhance and ensure livelihood security of poor in Purulia, Bankura and West Medinipur district, West Bengal (Co-Principal Investigator) | National Agricultural Innovation Project, Component -3. | Dr. Mini Poduval |
5 | Tribal Sub Plan under (PI) | AICRP on Cashew | Dr. Mini Poduval |
List of seminar /symposium / Training organised:
- Dr A Banyopadhyay Organised Seven days training programme on” Entrepreneurship development programme on Horticultural crops”F/ Horticulture, BCKV of National Horticulture Board, Govt. of India
- Dr A Banyopadhyay organised Ten days summer school on “Advances in production technology of floriculture and Aromatic crops ” in collaboration with Department of Floriculture and Landscape Gardening, F/ Horticulture, BCKV.
- Dr A Banyopadhyay organised one day workshop on Aromatic crop production technology organised by BCKV and CSIR-CIMAP.
- Dr A Pariariorganized ( Organising Secretary ) National Webinar on Advances in Sustainable Production and Value Addition in Spices and Plantation Crop on 30 September , 2021 in the Dept of PSMA , Faculty of Hortiuculture , BCKV
- Dr A Pariari organized(Organising Secretary) an International Webinar on “ Environment in 2020: Vision and Mission” on July 12, 2020 sponsored by NSS unit, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BCKV), India in collaboration with Faculty of Science, Lincoln University College, Malaysia. as at30 pm India, 7.00 pm Indonesia, 8.00 pm Malaysia, 6pm Wyoming, US
- Dr A Pariariorganised ( Organising Secretary)an National Workshop on " Advancement in Research and development of Plantation, Spices, Medicinal and Aromatic Crops:2020 and vision 2030" on 30th August 2020 organized by Department of Plantation, Spices, Medicinal and Aromatic Crops, Faculty of Horticulture , BCKV , Mohanpur.
- Dr A Pariari organised (Organising Secretary) an International Symposium (online) on ” Food security and the stand of civilization: Agri-Horti-Livestock dynamics in changing global ecology” in collaboration with Bidhan Chandra krishi Viswavidyalaya. India .Lincoln University College, Malaysia & University of Bengkulu, Indonesia (and in support of United Nations SDG Goal 2: Zero Hunger) on 20.09.2020 & 21.09.2020 (at 2:00pm India, 4:30pm Indonesia, 5:30pm Malaysia, 5:30am Ohio, US.
- Dr A B Sharangi organised(Organizing Secretary) International Webinar on "Hi-Tech Horticulture: A Sunrise Sector" at the Faculty of Horticulture, BCKV, Mohanpur, India on October 7, 2020
Teachers Achievement
- A good number of research papers have been published by the faculties and students of the department in reputed high impact journals like-Science International, SpringerNature, Taylor & Francis, Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research,Food Research International, Journal of Plant Nutrition,Legume Research, Indian Journal of Horticulture, Journal of Plantation Crops, etc. .
- More than 50 books have been published by the faculty members of the department from reputed publishers like SpringerNature, Apple Academic Press (Taylor & Francis), Nova Science Publishers, Agrotech, Astral, NIPA, etc. A good number of book chapters have also been published on various aspects.
- Many publications in the form of leaflets, folders, DVDs etc. have been prepared on various crops in English and local language to enrich the farming community. Those are distributed among the farmers during training meeting, UdyanMela, KrishiMela and Mati Utsav, etc.
- An appreciable amount of Improved planting materials of different crops like ginger, turmeric, coconut, arecanut, cashewnut, betelvine, etc. have been distributed among the growers for cultivation and multiplication of the crop.
- Since its inception, the Department has implemented more than 25 numbers of projects sponsored by different Central organizations like ICAR, NMPB, AYUSH, CDB, MIDH, NHM, CIMAP, KVIC and MSME. Paschimanchal Unnayan Parishad, FPH, Govt. of West Bengal etc. A few of those projects has already been concluded and others are continuing and some others are yet to be implemented.
- The Faculties received many awards and fellowships from different national & international organisations like “Best Scientist Award” by the Indian Academic Researchers Association (IARA), India ; “Life Time Achievement Award” from Lincoln University College , Malaysia; CWSS Fellow and Gold Medallist; Fellow, Society for Applied Biotechnology; Fellow, Academy of Environment & Life sciences ; Fellow, International Scientific Research Organisation for Science,Engineering and Technology ; Fellow, Scientific Society of Advanced Research & Social Change; Fellow Society of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry; Fellow International Society for Noni Science; Bharat Ratna Mother Teresa Gold Medal Award;Member in the National Level Broad Subject Matter Area (BSMA) Committee constituted by the DG, ICAR (Horticultural Sciences);Higher Education Leadership Award (HELA) by the Venus International Foundation; Elected Fellow, West Bengal Academy of Science & Technology; International fellowship from the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of External affairs, ISRAEL; Endeavour Award-2010 (Govt. of Australia) at the University of Melbourne, Australia; INSA-Royal Society of Edinburgh Fellowship, UK; Fulbright-Nehru Fellowship, USA.Many students of this Department have received “Best Thesis Award” and “Best Paper Presentation Award” in different seminar, symposium.
- The esteemed faculties of the Department regularly participated in various out-reach activities like Farmers training meetings, TV and Radio programmeetc. to encourage and help the farmers. An appreciable amount of planting materials of spice, plantation, medicinal & aromatic crops have been distributed to the farmers of different districts of the state. Department regularly celebrates different occasions attached to different AICRP/ MIDH by organising farmers training programmes in association with the respective projects from AICRPs and MIDH Projects. Department has organized many number of webinars, workshop and different training programme with active participation of all the faculties and students
Research Achievements
ICAR -AICRP on Cashew attached to this department occupied top position in India and created “Indian Cashew APP” in 10 languages to know the different aspects of cashew. The patent on “Milk based Neera sweet preparation process” is in the final stage of publication which has been submitted from ICAR-AICRP on Palm, One coconut variety named KALPAMITRA and two cashewnut varieties eg., JHARGRAM -1 and BIDHAN JHARGRAM-2 have been released from AICRP on Palms and AICRP on Cashenut, respectively
On going Projects
Sl.No. Name of the project Funding Agency Supervisor 1 ICAR- All india Co ordinated Research Project on Spices, Kalyani Voluntary centre ( ongoing) ICAR Dr Anupam Pariari 2 Sustainable production & extraction of lemon grass oil and value addition Khadi & village industries commission, MSME, Govt of India Dr Anupam Pariari 3 Institutional Herbal garden (MAPs) at BCKV, West Bengal, National Medicinal Plants Board, AYUSH, Govt of India Dr A B Sharangi
4 Evaluation of bioeffectiveness, phytotoxicity and residue of Gibberellic acid 0.45 % on chilli M/S Krishi Rasayan Exports Pvt Ltd, Kolkata Dr A B Sharangi
5 AICRP on cashew ICAR Dr Mini Poduval 6 MIDH on Spices DASD, Govt of India Dr D K Ghosh 7 ICAR –AICRP on Palms ICAR Dr D K Ghosh ( LKN) Academic activities in last 10 yrs
The four years B.Sc. (Hort.) Hons. Course is divided into eight semesters with a total credit of 165 (79 Theories + 86 Practicals). The present syllabus is modified following the recommendations made by the 4th Deans’ Committee and State Agriculture Commission. Major courses offered by the Faculty of Agriculture are related to Agronomy, Genetics, Micro-biology, Soil Chemistry, Plant Pathology, Plant Breeding, Biochemistry, Sericulture, Environmental Science, Agrochemicals, Extension Education, Agricultural Economics, Mathematics, Agricultural Statistics and Computer Applications. Similarly, the Faculty of Horticulture offers courses on Vegetable Crops, Fruits & Orchard Management, Floriculture, Post-harvest Technology, Spices & Plantation Crops. For M.Sc. (Hort.) students, the courses are being offered by the respective Departments of the Faculty under the supervision of Board of Studies (BOS). The thesis for MSc (Horticulture) has been credited since 2012. Each student has to submit one ‘Thesis’ based on research findings for the problem suggested by their Advisory Committee before completion of the course. For Ph.D. programme, various courses have to be undertaken by the student in the first two years related to his / her research area of the thesis, which are being catered by both the Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Horticulture. Performance of students is being evaluated through ‘course and credit’ system and presentation in different seminars. Further, the student has to prepare a Thesis based on the research findings in the field trials/experiments along with Laboratory works. The thesis for Ph.D in this Department has been credited since 2012. The Advisory Committee foreach student (M.Sc and Ph.D.) is formed with interdisciplinary approach under the chairmanship of a teacher of the department.
A good number of research papers have been published by the faculties and students of the department in reputed high impact journals like-Science International, SpringerNature, Taylor & Francis, Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research,Food Research International, Journal of Plant Nutrition,Legume Research, Indian Journal of Horticulture, Journal of Plantation Crops, etc. .A good number of research papers have been published by the faculties and students of the department in reputed high impact journals like-Science International, SpringerNature, Taylor & Francis, Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research,Food Research International, Journal of Plant Nutrition,Legume Research, Indian Journal of Horticulture, Journal of Plantation Crops, etc. .